2. Install as usual, I recommend using a mod organizer, like mod organizer. Or vortex. It's up to you. - If you wanna do a manual install there's 3 files. "SurWR.esp" "SurWR.bsa" and "SurWR - Textures.bsa". Put them in your Skyrim/Data folder. ...
凭借该Mod,各位可以生成各种草地远景、高级树木远景、建筑远景和配套材质等,而这几个功能在 DynDOLOD 2.X 时代是做不到的。 作为一篇高级内容的教程,这里就不详细讲述如何安装 Mod 管理器 Mod Organizer 2 和脚本扩展器 SKSE 了,毕竟各位对此应当已是熟稔于心。如有需要的吧友还 461288554 steam吧 彼岸丶南柯 ...
The premise was simple, attempt to combine the simplicity of the Nexus Mod Manager with the advanced functionality of Mod Organizer and create something that is accessible to all types of modders. Back in May of 2017 we named this replacement "Vortex".A couple of weeks ago we did a limited...
Use Nexus Mod Manager (vers 0.65.10 only),VortexBeta,Mod Organizer 2, orFallout Mod Manager. Download our Main Files. Put them somewhere. Open your Mod Manager -> Load the mod in your Mod Manager -> Install. Done! Steam versions of New Vegas suck. You'll needthe 4GB patch fo...
凭借该Mod,各位可以生成各种草地远景、高级树木远景、建筑远景和配套材质等,而这几个功能在 DynDOLOD 2.X 时代是做不到的。 作为一篇高级内容的教程,这里就不详细讲述如何安装 Mod 管理器 Mod Organizer 2 和脚本扩展器 SKSE 了,毕竟各位对此应当已是熟稔于心。如有需要的吧友还 461288560 上古卷轴吧 ლ炒饭...
Method 3: Using Vortex (An Alternative) If the Nexus Mod Manager still doesn’t work, then switching to Vortex can be helpful for downloading mods.Vortexis the nice middle ground between Nexus Mod Manager (NMM) and Mod Organizer (MO). It has a few features that are better and not availa...
打了一个dlss和画质优化,结果两个文件还冲突了 分享4赞 starfield吧 Un🌐Link 【MO2】N网 ModOrganizer2 星空插件MO2大伙应该都用过吧 mod原链接:https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/681?tab=files&file_ 管理器原链接:https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/6194 下载后解压包内的...