将bass.dll dinput8.dll 和scripts文件夹解压到gta5.exe目录在选择简体/繁体的里面的2个文件解压到scripts文件夹简繁不要混用有汉化BUG请反馈给我!按键说明按Ctrl N - 显示MODS菜单 上/下键或小键盘2/8选项,回车或小键盘5确定默认最多陨石原文Toggle the meteors in the mod menu or set a hotkey in the ...
how do i add the mods to g tag Co0perEisenlohr member 0 kudos 18 July 2024, 10:35PM if ur on pc download monkey mod manager open it select the mods in tutorials go to plugins folder and add the mods there Reggie9315 member 0 kudos 13 January 2025, 7:25PM what if u hav...
GTAV Stand Mod Menu的All In One多位一体合集储存库,包含了stand的大量优秀脚本、汉化,同时也是MsLGXC线上画质模组的唯一更新地址 - MsLGXC/GTA-StandAIO
Option Menu 1 Always God Mode On/Off 无敌模式 开/关 Special God Mode On/off 特殊无敌模式(无限血) 开/关 Gravity On/Off 重力 开/关 Police Ignore/Engage Player 警察无视主角/察觉主角 Never Tired On/Off 永不疲惫 开/关 Car God Mode On/Off 汽车无敌模式 开/关 ...
“SWS Main Menu Replacer ”这个Mod的作用就是替换了天际原有的菜单界面,中间的Steam图标和两侧的美元标志代表的意义已无需多言。 永远免费 在骂声中,Valve最终叫停了整个Mod付费计划 “Forever Free”为Mod作者提供了一套统一的Forever Free字样的图标,如果作者把这个图标放在自己的帖子里,那么表示该作者在未来将永...
CTRL + F8 / DPAD Down + RB - Interaction Menu: Left Alt + Space / DPAD Down + RB - Time Circuits: NumPad + - Input Mode: / - Confirm Date: NumPad Enter - Toggle Cinematic / Instant mode: NumPad * - Hover boost: Space / RB - Altitude control: G - Refuel, Hook, Hoodbox: E...
- when making purchases for gold, it increases (the amount of added gold is adjusted by the slider in the menu) - unlock all levels - menu No Ads Mod Menu #2. Download the Clone Armies Mod from the APK file for free. You need the app for easy army and troop upgrades thanks to th...
This is a trainer/mod menu. This mod requires the latest GTA V patch and the latest version of Alexander Blade's ScripthookV plugin. Press F8 while in-game to open. If you select the controller as your input option via the settings, you may use the controller (Binds being RB+Left) ...
MC版本1.12.2(JAVA版),Forge版本14.23.5.2855,通过启动器装的OptiFine高清修复,版本HD_U_G5,启动器为HMCL 3.3.188,JAVA是1.8.0_291 我之前加了fancymenu和它的前置konkrete、MixinBootstrap,版本如下 名字前面的[]中括号和里面的中文是我自己加的,只有前三个mod使用时,没问题,是不是模组冲突? 下载源:前三...
(textures that do not match or need to be replaced), and there may be some crashes after some hours playing or in certain parts of certain mods (avoid las vegas and the desert specially if you use a lot the cheatsmenu available with the keys F2, F5, F6, F7, F8). Anyway, even ...