If you don't want to use the menu and only use particular functions from the mod, you can set the value ofno_menutotrueinscripts/config/global.gsc. If the config function is empty, nothing will happen in game. self.no_menu =true; ...
Also when I try to cook nothing shows in ingredients menu. I have also firestarter kit, is it possible you need a 3rd thing :D ? Also any way to disable burning fuzz - "the toxic bushes" so they don't kill you when you run into them? (I have these so much)!!! EDIT 2: hmm...
The reshade package has customized shaders it is not advisable to mix and match. * also in game use shift-f2 for reshade menu and deselect bumpcart if the bump relief is not to your liking. - install The package works best with following settings: Bloom=0 PostFX=0 Settings can be fo...
1 2040 0 . menu_camp_cheat 0 Select_a_cheat: none 0 12 把括号里的1改为0即可 领主对话作弊菜单的开启方法 汉化文件在楼底 打开conversation.txt 查找dlga_lord_talk:lord_suggest_action_ask 69631 363 2 30 2 144115188075856163 (1) 2147484208 3 144115188075855987 8 0 {!}CHEAT_-_Take_the_...