给大家推荐一个菜单m..给大家推荐一个菜单mod,有效避免开头进去卡顿,回到以前的菜单,关键是音乐变成了this is war,还有无线电和开枪的声音,很有感觉启动器要加命令链接 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1933588335&searchtext=menu
1.先寻找到你需要的创意工坊的mod(进创意工坊仍然还需要爬墙,所以你还得准备个靠谱点的加速器哈) 2.找到社区,并在下面的框中找到创意工坊并点击它 3.输入Heart of Iron IV并搜索它的创意工坊(其实你可以直接输入Heart来找到它) 然后你就可以看到这个界面啦! 24635 steam吧 zhongxupengzi 创意工坊的mod订阅后...
Want to add a function to the DynaMenu / E-Pad For the DynaMenu, check missioonfile\epoch_config\Configs\CfgActionMenu\EXAMPLE.hpp For E-Pad, check the "FullExample" in missioonfile\epoch_config\CfgEPad.hpp Releases72 build(1549) for Arma 3 v1.98+Latest ...
Context menu that provides quick access to common Zeus actions. Ability to create custom compositions through Zeus. Settings to customize the Zeus display (move display to edge, remove watermark, etc.). Ability to disable live search to reduce lag when searching through a lot of items. Overhaule...
+[天气光照]NAC天气系统MCM菜单中文翻译 SC - NACX MCM Settings Menu +[天气光照]NAC天气系统MCM菜单 NAC X - MCM Settings Menu +[天气光照]NAC天气系统 NAC X Legacy edition -天气光照_separator -[材质坏境]烟雾和火焰增强1.1 Smoke And Flames Enhanced 1.1 ...
1. CJB Cheats Menu【SMAPI】 很多帖子都介绍过。强大的作弊MOD。如果不想作弊,只想简化操作的话就只用加速跑动,栅栏不损坏。如果farm(农业)技能满级了的话还可以开镰刀收割。注意如果不满级的话请不要开,收 542643 模拟人生吧 ChrisB💧 【M4分享】分享一些收集的mod少啰嗦,先看东西 这些mod我平时都是备份...
分享3262 森林游戏吧 冷血动物的🐶 盗版党福音,森林0.62的UltimateCheatmenu内置修改器提取本修改器搬运于FLUFFY FISH的MODAPI网站上,修改器作者为AllesKutEnter,现已提取出来0.62版本的修改器供盗版玩家们玩耍。亲测在3大妈和游侠的版本能够使用,自古一楼不说事 835452 饥荒新手吧 a10a2w mod发布:内置修改http://pa...
This is the definition file, it must be place in the root folder of your mod (Arma 3\Splendid Mod\mod.cpp) and can contain: /// Name of your mod name = "Splendid mod"; /// Picture displayed from the expansions menu/ Optimal size is 2048x1024, other sizes work too picture = "\...
3. Miranda/Jack go to the NormandyThis option allows a romanced Miranda or Jack to turn and walk towards the Normandy during the goodbye scene instead of away from Shepard and the crew. You may toggle this feature on/off in the mod settings menu, or during installation if using the non...
Admin Menu (#258) Jan 16, 2019 extras chore: Adds the HEMTT build system to TMF (#442) Nov 12, 2024 include chore: Adds the HEMTT build system to TMF (#442) Nov 12, 2024 tmf_template.vr Create include files for assigngear macros, adminlog debrief. (#401) ...