【食谱扩充类】 1.SomikSeverinka 启动器:https://www.curseforge.com/sims4/mods/cookbook-s-s 食谱下载:https://www.patreon.com/SomikSeverinka 汉化推荐(b站:模拟只因人生):https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1ri42167b8/?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0&vd_source=2dd64488113303bac02d30591fff2aa6 食谱汉化...
Food & Drink Mods Objects Lots Updates Reference Creator Policy More... Core This mod provides a basic foundation for all my other mods, crafting recipes, cooking recipes, and harvestables. It has resources that are shared across multiple mods and it keeps my files from becoming bloated with ...
4. 在冰箱和炉子上添加了新的“烹饪定制美食”菜单 The empty menus ( Custom Gourmet and Vampire Food) will be populated soon with new food 空菜单(定制美食和吸血鬼食品)很快就会有新的食物 使用说明: 将压缩包里的package文件和脚本文件复制到我的文档Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/Mods ...
原作者:TheFoodGroup@MTS 原帖:http://modthesims.info/download.php?t=571010 翻译:冷场君@3DM 搬...
4. 在冰箱和炉子上添加了新的“烹饪定制美食”菜单 The empty menus ( Custom Gourmet and Vampire Food) will be populated soon with new food 空菜单(定制美食和吸血鬼食品)很快就会有新的食物 使用说明: 将压缩包里的package文件和脚本文件复制到我的文档Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/Mods ...
食品配送服务1.99:https://legacy.curseforge.com/sims4/mods/food-delivery-service 跟一般配送一个模块。配送费只要2块钱。 赞 回复 CAT 楼主 2023-07-29 15:51:13 河南 更好保姆(第二保姆)1.99:https://legacy.curseforge.com/sims4/mods/better-nanny-second-nanny-more 可以配合住家服务一起用。 赞...
👀How to Make CC Food in The Sims 4 FAST and EASY|油管视频教程,要梯子,语速很快不适合初学者容易头晕,但是同样因为语速快适合用来快速回顾制作步骤,非常简洁但是步骤详尽所以放上来了 👀HOW TO MAKE CUSTOM FOOD (Easy)|大同小异,基本上和上面那个视频时网上唯二自定义食品视频tutor,我还没看完,因为内容...
Sims can also talk to more than one Sim at once or leave and enter a conversation while performing other actions like getting food. All of these features and funny activities come under a single roof. You can customize your Sims 4 characters anytime including toddlers. Toddlers are a very ...
原作者:TheFoodGroup@MTS 原帖:http://modthesims.info/download.php?t=571010 翻译:冷场君@3DM 搬运:冷场君@3DM 亲手制作自定义美食!肯德基全家桶,泡面,火锅,拉面……全部都有!! 适用游戏版本:《猫狗总动员》( 2017年1月22号更新菠萝汁,椰汁 ...
1、解压缩,2、将package文件和脚本文件复制到我的文档Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/Mods,MOD说明:, 模拟人生4 v1.36自定义食物MOD v2.8,最新猫狗版本的家庭食品配方扩展补丁,加入了胡椒粉、南瓜饼、南瓜汤、...