Minecraft Talk 35 - LagGoggles and Better Server Play Features Teleporting to sources of lag Client GUI, including overlay and clickable menus Colour scale for easy spotting of sources of lag. Calculations are done on the client, so each client can have a different colour scale. ...
若想重置全部配置,最快的方法是删除配置文件,后重新启动Minecraft游戏本体,配置文件会自动生成。 除了直接在配置文件中修改之外,打开游戏,点击主菜单的Mod按钮,找到魔戒mod后点击config按钮,在这里也可以修改配置。 维度IDdimension { I:"Dimension ID: MiddleEarth"=100 I:"Dimension ID: Utumno"=101 }上述设置...
若想重置全部配置,最快的方法是删除配置文件,后重新启动Minecraft游戏本体,配置文件会自动生成。 除了直接在配置文件中修改之外,打开游戏,点击主菜单的Mod按钮,找到魔戒mod后点击config按钮,在这里也可以修改配置。 维度IDdimension { I:"Dimension ID: MiddleEarth"=100 I:"Dimension ID: Utumno"=101 }上述设置...
and fixes many bugsin modern Minecraft versions (most versions including and above 1.16 are supported) without majorly compromising the game experience. Most Forge 1.16-1.19.2 modpacks will launchroughly twice as fastwith ModernFix installed. If some non-default options are enabled, it can even a...
patches the game in a way that easily breaks Forge and other mods, and significantly slows down game launching, often on the order of minutes. Please consider using Sodium (on Fabric) or Embeddium (on Forge) instead. Using OptiFine with ModernFix is not officially supported, and may cause...
Link Info链接信息LiteLoader聊天栏里的链接可以直接单击进入,并会显示网页标题。对于图片和Youtube,还可以显示更多信息。minecraftforum Lag Goggles: Legacy延迟监视前置:FalsePatternLib可视化方块延迟监视mod,高版本移植到1.7.10,效果同高版本一样,可以在世界上可视化的精确看到每个方块的延迟、也可以查看类似火花(spark)...
Clearlag was designed to reduce lagg on Bukkit/Spigot servers by removing entities, and preventing it through it's many optional features. Of course this plugin can't fix all lag, but it does clear most of it. If your using a larger server with 20+ players, simply using the /lagg ...
A modern shader pack loader for Minecraft intended to be compatible with existing OptiFine shader packs Decoration 28.5 M No Chat Reports by Several People... Makes chat unreportable (where possible) Utility Decoration 28.5 M Connectivity[Forge/Fabric] by someaddon Fix Login timeouts, Packet si...
Homepage Minecraft Mods Physics Mod (1.19.3, 1.18.2) Destructive, Realism, Real Life World. Ground is now arbitrary, since everywhere is ground. It's highly customizable too, so you don't need a NASA computer to run it. You might just end up with directional dysphoria which isnt an actu...
Warning!This page hasn't been updated in a while and is likely outdated for newer versions of Minecraft. Chickens escaping their pen Unglitch is a bugfix mod to prevent entities from glitching through blocks and more. It started out as an attempt to fix only permanent, server-side glitches...