to use Elden Mod Loader and Mod Engine 2 simultaneously on Linux (or Windows) at Elden Ring ...
MOD engine 2是一款强大的MOD使用工具,首先解压缩MOD ENGINE2压缩包的内容到任意位置,再将MOD本体regulation文件放入ModEngine-2.0.0-preview3-win64/mod中。然后一定要打开STEAM,再打开launchmod_eldenring.bat打开游戏。(仅限正版)若要安装可选MOD,你可以将可选动作MOD中的chr文件夹(减少后摇与加强弹反MOD)与...
beansun1 漂泊褪色 2 提取ertransmogrify.dll 并将ertransmogrify.ini 放入ModEngine-2.x 文件夹中。它必须位于包含config_eldenring.toml 的同一文件夹中。打开config_eldenring.toml 并将mod 添加到DLL 列表中。外部_dll=[“ertransmogrify.dll”,]如果您的DLL 已在列表中,请确保它们以逗号分隔。例如:外部...
⑤ config_eldenring.toml 有问题。例如你使用了中文标点符号,Mod Engine 无法识别。 ⑥ 尝试把下图中选中的文件移动到 C 盘,尝试从 launchemod_eldenring.bat 启动。 把选中的文件移动到 C 盘,尝试启动 如果以上都尝试了仍然闪退或启动没有反应,确保游戏根目录名称是 Game 后检查日志,如果看到 "Global settings...
This guide worked for me, thanks. It should be noted that the external_dlls path in config_eldenring.toml should be in single forward slashes, not two backslashes.E.g., given SeamlessCoop folder is in the ModEngine2 folder:external_dlls = [ "SeamlessCoop/ersc.dll"] Tekzo7 member 0 ...
1.打开位于安装 Mod Engine 2 的同一文件夹中的“config_eldenring.toml”并添加 line: mods = [ { enabled = true, name = “EBB - Scaled Set”, path = “mod\\EBB - Scaled Set” }, { ...其他模组...} ] 2. 将下载的 mod 压缩包内容解压到文件夹:“Mod Engine 2\mod\” 3、...
以Steam版为例,艾尔登法环安装mod一般要先在Steam库中右键点击《艾尔登法环》,选择“管理”→“浏览本地文件”进入游戏根目录下的Game文件夹,下载并安装前置Mod文件,再将其他Mod文件或文件夹复制到该目录,最后通过点击“launchmod_eldenring.bat”或“modengine2_launcher.exe”启动游戏。 贴吧热榜 按内容热度排...
1.打开位于安装 Mod Engine 2 的同一文件夹中的“config_eldenring.toml”并添加 line: mods = [ { enabled = true, name = “EBB - Deathbed Set”, path = “mod\\EBB - Deathbed Set” }, { ...其他模组...} ] 2. 将下载的 mod 压缩包内容解压到文件夹:“Mod Engine 2\mod\” ...
Solved my proplem... Added it to Steam library thanks to your video @ximbas2508 and had to put the whole game intoC:\Steam\steamapps\common\ELDEN RING\game(real game files)After that, without modifying the modengine files everything worked ...
launchmod_eldenring.bat and modengine files as admin renaming the modengine launcher to start_protected_game made sure all the folders have the correct permissions I also checked steam updates and the last one was on the 7th, so I don't know if that's the problem? I don't think it ...