【好消息】拿战MOD..简介就懒得翻译了 如下(来自moddb):The Great War mod is a total conversion modification for Napoleon: Total War. I
The Great War mod is a total conversion modification for Napoleon: Total War. It aims to create an authentic representation of World War 1-era tactics, strategies and general warfare within the game. Watch as waves of battalions advance under the cover of massed artillery barrages and deadly p...
This mod is a total conversion of YURI'S REVENGE. It takes the user back into the great age of trenches and lets them play like they are actually in the game. The user has many choices in terms of nations to play as such as : United States of America...
Europe At War(译名:战火欧洲) ,简称EAW,同样也是一个制作精良的MOD。它和一战模组(the Great War 1918,简称TGW)、现代战争模组一起上了Steam并提供后续的更新。而本次带来的7.1版,也是制作组宣称的非Steam的最终版本(即之后只会在Steam上继续更新)该模组最大的特色便是多种多样的游戏模式:坦克战(纯坦克对战)...
OstVsWestDe: East vs West Cold War 4hours agoTBDFirst Person Shooter After World War II ended in Europe, the Third Reich has fallen. Germany was fall into chaos during Soviet occupied eastern portion of Germany. After that... Half-Life: Field Intensity ...
(The mod is composed by echuu and his team, pls go check him on Total War Centre and Moddb to offer your support, I’m just a brief-giver here.)虽然有人跟我要求了很多次介绍哥特王朝mod(还有费伦),我也确实很感兴趣,但由于昨天看了一集时光之轮的美剧(的前5分钟),直接导致了我对传统奇幻...
those curious about how the current changelog for 2.0 looks like, just follow this link:Moddb....
The playable sides are: America Great Britain France Poland China Soviet Union Germany Italy Hungary Japan Czechoslovakia Sweden D-day is also split into different "time frames" giving the player the option to play with a different selection of units from different periods of World War II. ...
Interim Apex曾经是MPF Ultraaow newmaps服务器的一系列地图,当时印象比较深的就是那个C&C_GreatWall地图。作者是马拉西亚人MPFImperialKaskin和MPFdblaney1,以前我还在玩CCR的时候还跟这俩人挺熟的,后面不知道发生了什么这俩人就从MPF出走到W3DHub了,把那一系列地图打包单独出了个mod就是现在的IAmod了。Expansive...
We have always tried to have great balance. However, with naval units, we were limited by the Tiberian Sun engine, and could never make ships play as well as we'd hoped.Until now.With help of new engine logic added to the "Vinifera" Tiberian Sun engine extension that we have co-develo...