Sodium 是一个性能模组,对游戏的渲染进行优化,同时提供了一些不错的视觉提升;而 Canvas 则是一个渲染器,在实现功能的同时,附加了一些优化从而使游戏获得更好的性能表现。 Canvas 已经为 Minecraft 提供了很多的优化,并且也在持续添加更多的性能优化——但是其优化得到的增益被用于提供更多新的功能,所以如果你关掉 Can...
minecraft-modminecraftmodfabric-modfabricmc-mod UpdatedApr 26, 2024 Java This mod adds three new backpacks to the game which enhance your gaming experience minecraftforgemodminecraftmod UpdatedJan 26, 2025 Java Open-Source API and library for U-Team's mods ...
Better Compatibility Checker(Gaz_, nanitedev) Better End(Beethoven92, vemerion, paulevs, yaki_yaki, Bulldoq83) YUNG’s Better Mineshafts(YUNGNICKYOUNG) YUNG's Better Strongholds(YUNGNICKYOUNG EveCommander, telepathicgrunt) Better Villages(jtl_elisa, JTorLeon_Studios, TemLMAOOO) ...
Better Compatibility Checker (by Gaz_) Canary (by AbdElAziz333) Better Advancements (by way2muchnoise) Sophisticated Backpacks (by P3pp3rF1y) YUNG's Better Mineshafts (Forge) (by YUNGNICKYOUNG) TexTrue's Rubidium Options (by TexTrue)
Peaceful Compatibility Byomerbenda Mods 1,146 Description This mod is for players who are just starting out the game or just want to hang in peaceful mode Included in this mod is various methods of obtaining items which are hard/impossible to get in peaceful mode (including getting to the en...
, which are required to enable the fully-featured mobile app on your devices. And don’t forget to have your Android devices running at the latest firmware versions possible, preferably Android 4.4 and up. This should ensure the app’s compatibility with your devices and with Minecraft: PE....
气候控制Mod教程 ..Geographicraft(老版本称之为Climate Control)是一个以控制Minecraft气候带生成为特色的MOD,一般被RTG和BOP拿来配合使用其特点在于可以改变Minecraft的
Better Compatibility Checker(by Gaz_) Balm(Forge Edition)(by BlayTheNinth) Croptopia[FABRIC/FORGE](by thethonk) Shoulder Surfing Reloaded(by _ForgeUser21552638) Bonsai Trees 3(by davenonymous) The Magic Mirror(by tboshoven) Refined Storage Addons(by raoulvdberge) ...
API is newer and lightweight compared to Forge, but it’s quickly updated with newer Minecraft versions and its mode base/quantity is increasing gradually. Fabric is also lightweight however it is still lacking behind in terms of compatibility while simultaneously running a different set of mods....
Crafting remainder for minecraft:tadpole_bucket is now minecraft:bucket. [09Aug2022 16:10:12.134] [modloading-worker-0/INFO] [dev.wuffs.bcc.BCC/]: Better Compatibility Checker loading [09Aug2022 16:10:12.137] [modloading-worker-0/ERROR] [Material Elements/]: [09Aug2022 16:10:12.137]...