下载地址:https://masa.dy.fi/tmp/minecraft/mods/client_mods/(官网)https://www.mcmod.cn/class/2298.html(mc百科,可以同时了解基本信息)API:forge fabric 等皆可,上文已提及(注意:无需安装fabric api) 6楼2022-07-07 22:03 收起回复 tritiumMC 核心吧友 6 jade🔍(玉🔍)Hwyla的附属模组。并在...
本人新人开发mod在无做任何更改在github下载fabric开发包导入Intellij IDEA下载完成全部文件然后启动Minecraft Client结果fabric报错 "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-17\bin\java.exe" -Dfabric.dli.config=C:\Users\lingy\Desktop\Minecraft@@0020fbaric@@0020mod@@0020开发\fabric-example-mod-1.19\.gradle\loom-cache\...
先要安装API,然后.minecraft文件夹里会有个mods文件夹,把模组放里面就行了 4楼2020-05-09 17:28 收起回复 yZePhYr 林中小屋 6 首先你要安装forge,forge的安装方法在网上搜。然后在你Minecraft游戏目录底下建mods文件夹(也可以运行一次游戏之后会自然产生),把模组拖进文件夹 6楼2020-05-09 17:37 收起回复 C...
This MinecraftForge mod extends Minecraft height and depth. The only limitation is size of 32-bit integer. For the most up to date information about this mod and its related mods, as well as the newest Downloads, please join us on the Cubic Chunks Discord linked below: Discord server Cub...
我的世界Meteor Client Mod模组 我的世界Meteor Client Mod 带有一个高度可定制的 GUI 和 HUD,带给玩家一个漂亮且实用的交互界面以及强大的宏系统,它允许你在媒体上改变客户端的任何东西。 模组相关 --Meteor Client 具有高度可定制的渲染模块,这些模块由干净高效的渲染系统提供支持,从而提供精确和高质量的覆盖,让...
A client integration mod for the FeatherMorph plugin 4,961 17 Utility Compatibility Minecraft: Java Edition 1.21.x 1.20.x 1.19.2–1.19.4 Platforms Fabric Quilt Supported environments Client-side Creators MATRIX-featherOwner Details Client integration for FeatherMorph ...
Play on Linux, Windows, and Mac for a seamless gaming experience. Integrated VPN Function Protect your privacy and play securely with an integrated VPN function. Deutsch:OGCRAFTNET Client Verbessertes Spielerlebnis für Minecraft Optimierte Performance ...
Horion is a Minecraft: Bedrock Edition utility mod designed to enhance gameplay. We do not take responsibility in anything done with this utility mod. If you want to contribute to this project, feel free to fork this repository and submit a pull request. Contributing...
Default value:[Minecraft {mc_version} with TweakMyClient {tmc_version} | Player {mc_username} | FPS: {mc_fps}] listCustomWindowTitleWithActivity Modify the current window title with the current activity. If customWindowTitleRandomly is enabled, a random one is taken from the list as the ti...