下载完成以后,放入之前写的目录就可以了。 可以看到第一个文明6 Mod的后缀是.modinfo,而文明5是.civ5mod。注意不要下错。 网站如下;SteamWorkshop.download 以上就是内容的全部了,如果有问题可以放到评论区一起讨论。 想看什么内容也可以告诉UP,UP可以尝试制作! 感谢观看!
好消息是文明6有大神做了个自动捏文明的网站,就是这个: https://civ-blitz.herokuapp.com/#/modtester 可以允许玩家自己捏文明,界面是这样的: 每次可以选择 1个文明能力+1个领袖能力+1个特殊基建(UI, UD, UB都算,只能选一个)+1个特殊单位+出生关联。且出生关联必须从前面选择了的文明/领袖/基建/单位的...
+ EDR中使用Civ 6扩展功能,因此该mod不会触及任何原始游戏文件,而是扩展相关的文件。通过这样做,它应该是弹性的补丁 起源: 这个mod是我为CQUI编码的原始扩展的增强。我不喜欢CQUI悬挂在功能区上的横幅,所以我决定创建一个功能强大,可扩展且灵活的工具提示。此mod中的Diplo Ribbon大大扩展,并且比我编码的原始功能更...
2、复制全部文件到我的文档\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization VI\Mods 3、开始游戏,在主界面的额外内容中勾选即可加载MOD 更新说明: Alpha .12 added tomaltachpaulson rework on Italy city map and some new civilizations specific city maps for Play Europe Again fix : make sure to use a civ-specifi...
A Palace Unit that is expensive but powerful. Get's +5 Defensive Damage when adjacent to Ranged Units (Trait not added until next patch). Aztec will get a civ specific version of Noble. Mounted Noble - Not available to Aztec - A Palace Unit that is expensive but powerful. Mounted version...
If you ever felt like Wonders were not worth the investment or just like the concept of National Wonders from previous Civ titles, this mod may be for you!Originally, I conceptualized this mod as simply adding National Wonders to the game. But as I kept working on them, I realized I ...
将这些文件放在C:\ Program Files \ Epic Games \ SaintsRowTheThird根文件夹中 需要Misc.vpp_pc:h...
[89游戏性Mod][总Mod112]Minecraft Civlization Modpack\传奇装备legendgear\BC管道附属logisticspipes\恐怖生物LycanitesMobs\更多动态的门前置malisiscore\更多的门malisisdoors\更多弓MoreBows2\模组前置movingworld\家具模组MrCrayfishFurnitureMod\乐器musiccraft\突变生物MutantCreatures\下界矿物Net... 分享61 求生之路吧 ...
Last edited by a moderator:Aug 6, 2022 Upvote11 Prev 1 2 badman99 Solid & Active Platinian Nov 10, 2024 #21 why hasn't such a great game been modded already. Upvoting this. Not WorkingHex Polis: Civ Outlanders 4x Ver. 0.4.1 MOD APK | Unlimited Gold | Unlimited Diamonds | Unlimite...