Modord for Discord Modmail Bot是的僵尸程序,它使用户DM僵尸程序可以与服务器的主持人/工作人员联系,而无需单独向他们发送消息或在服务器上公开对其进行ping操作。 这些DM中继到modmail线程(工作人员可以在其中回复用户并与用户交谈)的渠道。 对于用户而言,整个过程是在带有bot的DM中进行的。 受Reddit的modmail系统...
Create aDiscord application. You also have to enable the SERVER MEMBERS intent. The bot needs this to reassign the muted role when a muted user joins your server Add a bot to the application and copy the auth token Create an API key in theGoogle Cloud Consolefor the Youtube Data API v3...
Modmail Bot is a bot forDiscordthat allows users to DM the bot to contact the server's moderators/staff without messaging them individually or pinging them publically on the server. These DMs get relayed to modmailthreads, channels where staff members can reply to and talk with the user. To...
ModMail - Discord Bot 简单的 ModMail Discord 机器人,专为小型服务器和想要在不和谐中维护自己的 ModMail 机器人的人而设计。 ModMail 是一个机器人,它在支持人员和用户之间创建一个私人空间,通过创建一个新频道来解决问题。 免责声明 这个机器人每个机器人只支持一对服务器。 一个主服务器(用户聚集和聊天...
Discord Releases New AutoMod Content Moderation Bot Discord recently took to an official blog post to announce its newest AutoMod tool. This feature resides in the Server Settings menu, under Content Moderation, on desktops and allows server moderators with “Manage Server” permission to configure ...
Name: Botworld Adventure Version: 1.26.0 Root: No Mod features: Damage multiplier God mode Free shopping Install Steps: 1. Remove playstore version 2. Install mod APK 3. Enjoy Credits: ? Playstore Link: Botworld Adventure - Apps on Google Play Free Download: ! Hidden Content !You must ...
for all official game modes. • This addon overwrites binds for keys: ALT, F1, F2, F3, F5, F6 • Scripts in your autoexec.cfg file will overwrite this addon's settings, if you want to set custom binds. • Using bot commands will block Steam achievements for the rest of the ...
discord上有一个无伤服务器,很多活跃的无伤人经常在那里聊天。我们还有一个bot,它可以很容易地找到任何boss的无伤视频,让你找到方法或构建自己的无伤策略。 除了打无伤,这个服务器还可以作为一个放松、摸鱼和水群的地方。(迫真) 你可以私信其中一个用户以获得服务器的邀请: ...
hello everyone, i'm doing some hacking functions for the Freefire game, with a local desktop application, i use the game offsets and bypassed it to not detect it, but i have a problem with a function, aimbot can't find a way to add to my project I will send my Discord id if an...
Bot(command_prefix='-', intents=intents) client.remove_command("help") @client.event async def on_ready(): await client.change_presence(status=discord.Status.idle, activity=discord.Game('Do -help')) print('functioning...') @client.event async def on_member_join(member): print(f'{...