1. 全部的伪代码 (来自MoCo v3 的paper): # f_q: encoder: backbone + pred mlp + proj mlp # f_k: momentum encoder: backbone + pred mlp # m: momentum coefficient # tau: temperature for x in loader: # load a minibatch x with N samples x1, x2 = aug(x), aug(x) # augmentation ...
Unofficial implementation of the paperImproved Baselines with Momentum Contrastive Learning 0. Develop Environment Checkenv.txtfor more details 1. Implementation Details data.py : data augmentations, dataset main_linear.py : only train linear classifier with frozen backbone ...
Implementation for ICLR 2023 paper “Your Contrastive Learning is Secretly Doing Stochastic Neighbor Embedding” (https://arxiv.org/abs/2205.14814) - MIFA-Lab/t-MoCo-v2
1. 论文摘要 针对无监督的视觉表示学习,我们提出了一种动量对比的方法(Momentum Contrast, MOCO)。对比学习往往被看作一个字典查找的问题,我们使用队列与移动平均编码器构建了一个动态的字典。这使我们能够动态地构建一个大而一致的词典,从而促进无监督的对比学习。MoCo在ImageNet的共用线性协议下提供了非常有竞争性的...
MoCo v2 Implementation with Pytorch Unofficial implementation of the paperImproved Baselines with Momentum Contrastive Learning 0. Develop Environment Checkenv.txtfor more details 1. Implementation Details data.py : data augmentations, dataset main_linear.py : only train linear classifier with frozen back...