一些用户可能会在频繁地使用verifyNoMoreInteractions(),甚至在每个测试函数中都用。但是verifyNoMoreInteractions()并不建议在每个测试函数中都使用。 verifyNoMoreInteractions()在交互测试套件中只是一个便利的验证,它的作用是当你需要验证是否存在冗余调用时。滥用它将导致测试代码的可维护性降低。never()是一种更为明显且...
// 输出 : "called with arguments: foo" System.out.println(mock.someMethod("foo")); ·使用doCallRealMethod()函数来调用某个方法的真实实现方法 注意,在Mock环境下,所有的对象都是模拟出来的,而方法的结果也是需要模拟出来的,如果你没有为mock出的对象设置模拟结果,则会返回默认值,例如: ...
verify(mockedList).get(0); 默认情况下,所有的函数都有返回值。mock函数默认返回的是null,一个空的集合或者一个被对象类型包装的内置类型,例如0、false对应的对象类型为Integer、Boolean; 测试桩函数可以被覆写 : 例如常见的测试桩函数可以用于初始化夹具,但是测试函数能够覆写它。请注意,覆写测试桩函数是一种可...
verify(mockOne).add("one"); //verify that method was never called on a mock verify(mockOne, never()).add("two"); //verify that other mocks were not interacted verifyZeroInteractions(mockTwo, mockThree); 8、找出多余的调用 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 //using mocks mockedList...
verify(mockedList).addAll(captor.capture()); // When verify,you can capture the arguments of the calling method final List<String> capturedArgument = captor.getValue(); assertThat(capturedArgument, hasItem("someElement")); } Mocktio的局限 ...
public void testCapturingArguments() throws Exception { List mockedList = mock(List.class); ArgumentCaptor<String> argument = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(String.class); mockedList.add("John"); //验证后再捕捉参数 verify(mockedList).add(argument.capture()); ...
1. Verify Multiple Invocations withArgumentCaptor The given unit test has mocked theHashMapclass and invokes input(key, value)code twice. It then verifies that the method had been invoked twice. The test further verifies all the different method arguments separately. ...
obj.getClass().equals(this.getClass())) { return false; } Invocation other = (Invocation)obj; return this.method.equals(other.method) && this.proxy.equals((other).proxy) && Arrays.deepEquals(arguments, other.arguments); } @Override public int hashCode() { return 1; } } ...
Once a mock or spy has been used, we can verify that specific interactions took place. Literally, we are saying, “Hey, Mockito, make sure this method was called with these arguments.” Consider the following artificial example: PasswordEncoder passwordEncoder = mock(PasswordEncoder.class); when(...
AS A diligent dev, I WANT TO verify that a mock will eventually get called with the specified parameters, SO THAT I can properly test my builder class SCENARIO I have a builder class exposing a .with(String key, String value) method. I c...