Be assertive in your tone.Sometimes in high school mock trial competitions, I hear witnesses answer in upspeak.Upspeakis when you make a statement but you use the intonation of a question. Like the tone rises at the end. Don’t do this. If the situation calls on you to be emphatic, th...
Huntley High School Mock Trial Class to Seek Counsel from Lawyer
Funds for Nationals Redlands High School Mock Trial Team Raises Funds for NationalsRedlands High School Mock Trial Team Raises Funds for NationalsWittenmyer, Photo Tabetha
In this week's edition of Miami Proud, CBS News Miami's Larry Seward introduces us to Marvin Exantus and how he's inspiring others into practicing law.
WILLIAMSTOWN, N.J. (CBS) -- At Williamstown High School, the forensics and mock trial club will spend months prepping like real-life lawyers for a mock trial competition that will be called to the courtroom in January. Sponsored by the New Jersey Bar Found...
The interviewer had no formal training and read the interview questions from a prepared script. A full transcript of the standard interview questions can be found at: Equipment The virtual reality simulations in this study were designed and run...
Park School of Baltimore wins mock trial championshipShane Doyle
High School Students Compete in Mock Trial Tournament
A Tradition of Mock Trial at Centennial High SchoolShoufler, CareyWilson, CindyAdvocate (05154987)
Idaho Hosts National High School Mock Trial ChampionshipShouler, CareyAdvocate (05154987)