//foo.jsmodule.exports =function() {//some implementation;};//test.jsjest.mock('../foo');//this happens automatically with automockingconst foo = require('../foo');//foo is a mock functionfoo.mockImplementation(() => 42); foo();//> 42 当你需要重新创建复杂行为的模拟功能,这样多个...
// foo.jsmodule.exports=function(){// some implementation;};// test.jsjest.mock('../foo');// this happens automatically with automockingconstfoo=require('../foo');// foo is a mock functionfoo.mockImplementation(()=>42);foo();// > 42 当您需要重新创建模拟函数的复杂行为,以便多个函数...
() => {// 真实的 foo-bar-baz 模块内容const originalModule = jest.requireActual('../foo-bar-baz');// Mock 默认导出和 foo 的内容return {__esModule: true,...originalModule,default: jest.fn(() => 'mocked baz'),foo: 'mocked foo',};});test('should do a partial...
original, functionToMock: jest.fn() }; }); // Step 4. Inside of your test suite: functionToMock.mockImplementation(() => ({ mockedValue: 2 }));There is a lot going on here, so let’s break it down. In step 1, we use jest.mock("@module/api", ...) to mock the entire ...
所以我需要将其模拟为默认值,因为我不断收到错误 (0, _blah.default) is not a function.。我的解决方案是:jest.mock('nodeModulePackage', () => jest.fn(() => {})); 在我的例子中,我只需要覆盖函数并让它返回一个空对象。如果您需要在该节点模块上调用一个函数,您将执行以下操作:...
为了测试错误是否被抛出,可以使用https://eloquentcode.com/expect-a-function-to-throw-an-exception-in-jest const func =()=>{thrownewError('my error') } it('should throw an error',()=>{ expect(func).toThrow() })
Mocking is an important concept in testing where a subject that is dependent on data has said data replaced so that it can be controlled and measured. There are a handful of ways you can mock in Jest. You can mock a function with jest.fn or mock a module with jest.mock, but my pref...
jest.mock("./AwesomeComponent", () => ({ AwesomeComponent: () => { const MockName = "named-awesome-component-mock"; return <MockName />; }, }));Instead of returning a function, the mock returns an object that replaces the export of the file. Inside the object, we state the ...
for enzyme's mount function. * @function createElement - Creates a wrapper around passed in ...
使用jest.fn()创建 mock 函数注入到 React props 中,或者直接注入到任何正在测试的函数中。如: constclickFn=jest.fn();constcomponent=shallow(<MyComponentonClick={clickFn}/>);// orfunction(arg1,arg2,clickFn); 这非常有用,可以在声明 mock 函数时直接指定返回值,也可以使用API(如.mockReturnValueOnce(...