Test-specific timeouts may also be applied, or the use of this.timeout(0) to disable timeouts all together: it('should take less than 500ms', function(done) { this.timeout(500); setTimeout(done, 300); }); # Hook-level Hook-level timeouts may also be applied: ...
This can be a specific test or suite, an entire test file, or a folder with test files. You can also define patterns to run only the tests from matching files, for example, *.test.js. If the files with tests are stored in a test folder, specify the path to this folder in the ...
varmocha=newMocha({reporter:'mochawesome',reporterOptions:{reportFilename:'customReportFilename',quiet:true,},}); Available Options The options below are specific to the reporter. For a list of all available options seemochawesome-report-generator options. ...
Test-specific timeouts 'before', 'after', 'beforeEach', 'afterEach' hooks Growl support Arbitrary transpiler support (e.g., CoffeeScript) Reports test durations TextMate bundle Highlights slow tests File watcher support Global variable leak detection Optionally run tests that match a regexp Installat...
-O, --reporter-options <k=v,k2=v2,...> reporter-specific options -R, --reporter <name> specify the reporter to use -S, --sort sort test files -b, --bail bail after first test failure -d, --debug enable node's debugger, synonym for node --debug ...
Mocha的执行会找到当前命令执行目录下的test目录。./test/*.js是Mocha寻找的目标。 也可以在package.json中设置如下设置,就可以使用npm test命令行开启Mocha测试 "scripts": {"test":"mocha"} 断言ASSERTIONS Mocha支持各种断言库来验证功能,例如should.js、chai、expect.js、better-assert、unexpected等 ...
Only suite or test-case The exclusivity feature allows you to run only the specified suite or test-case by appending .only() to the call as shown here: describe('Array', function(){ describe.only('#indexOf()', function(){ ... }); }); Or a specific test-case: describe('Array'...
test-specific timeouts growl notification support reports test durations highlights slow tests file watcher support global variable leak detection optionally run tests that match a regexp auto-exit to prevent “hanging” with an active loop easily meta-generate suites & test-cases mocha.opts file supp...
.+└─┬ test├── test.js+└── plugin.js Source files The following trees represent the source files or templates that are used by each task. You'll see that most of the tasks use at least one "micro-generator" to generate a specific file. ...
This page describes the configuration-specific items as well as options that are common for all run/debug configurations. For more information about using this configuration, refer to Mocha. In this dialog, create configurations for running and debugging JavaScript unit tests using the Mocha test fra...