Mocha Chai Laboratories is a boutique film studio that Develops our own IP, Produce our own Content and Distribute them too. Of course we still pride ourselves as the go to picture and sound post production facility that regional filmmakers have come to love and respect. ...
. 科视Christie亚太区副总裁余林女士补充说:“Mocha Chai Laboratories是该地区顶尖的后期制作工作室之一,我们很高兴它选择了我们的Vive Audio系统作为其高科技设施的音频解决方案。这足以清楚表明:除了提供先进的视觉解决方案,我们科视Christie在拟真影院音效方面也树立了标杆,并获得电影制作人和后期制作专业人员的青睐。”...