Cute cafe chain that serves reasonably priced coffees, milk tea and hot chocolate, and does a nice line in postcards, notebooks and gifts. You can also post the cards from the cafe and have them delivered up to five years into the future, allowing you to pen notes to your future self,...
chocolate hazelnut is amazing. Regarding service, it is impecable. Even though the restaurant was full, our selections were served promptly as well as our requests. When we return to Saint Louis, Cafe Napoli will be on top of our list for dinner....
[7天前] 小媛pl** 发表了阿拉梅达县资讯 🍫奥克兰甜蜜宝藏 | Bennett's Chocolate 打卡 [12小时前] 斌斌的旅** 发表了阿拉梅达县资讯 奥克兰❗我心目中酒店天花板💯 奥克兰市中心万豪酒店,太赞了 [14小时前] 暴躁小苗 发表了阿拉梅达县资讯 奥克兰不得不去住的宝藏酒店之一 豪华与优雅并存 [14小时前]...
Cute cafe chain that serves reasonably priced coffees, milk tea and hot chocolate, and does a nice line in postcards, notebooks and gifts. You can also post the cards from the cafe and have them delivered up to five years into the future, allowing you to pen notes to your future self,...