Note: configuring observer batching is only needed when usingmobx-react-lite2.0.* or 2.1.*. From 2.2 onward it will be configured automatically based on the availability of react-dom / react-native packages Check out the elaborate explanation. ...
React DOM: import 'mobx-react-lite/batchingForReactDom' React Native: import 'mobx-react-lite/batchingForReactNative' Opt-out To opt-out from batching in some specific cases, simply import the following to silence the warning. import 'mobx-react-lite/batchingOptOut' ...
MobX will throw an error. This restriction exists mainly for legacy reasons. If you have a scenario where you need to modify the set of stores, please leave a comment about it in this issue Or a preferred way is touse React Contextdirectly...
Call clearTimers() in the afterEach of your tests to ensure that mobx-react-lite cleans up immediately and allows tests to exit.Readme Keywords mobx mobservable react-component react reactjs reactive hooks observer useLocalObservablePackage Sidebar Install npm i mobx-react-lite Repository github....
mobx-react 对外暴露了如下这些方法,其中一些 API 是来自于 mobx-react-lite 的,它是 mobx-react 的轻量版,增加了对函数式组件 hooks 的支持。 mobx-react\src\index.ts export { Observer, useObserver, useAsObservableSource, useLocalStore, isUsingStaticRendering, useStaticRendering, observerBatching, observ...
import React from "react" import ReactDOM from "react-dom" import { makeAutoObservable } from "mobx" import { observer } from "mobx-react-lite" // Model the application state. function createTimer() { return makeAutoObservable({ secondsPassed: 0, increase() { this.secondsPassed += 1 }...
MobX React.Component 写法 可以在线体验:,代码见:。 概念 首先,ui是由state通过fn生成: ui=fn(state) 在React 里,fn即组件,依照自己的state渲染。 如果state是共享的,一处状态更新,多处组件响应呢?这时就可以用MobX了。
MobX React.Component 写法 可以在线体验:,代码见:。 概念 首先,ui是由state通过fn生成: ui =fn(state) 在React 里,fn即组件,依照自己的state渲染。 如果state是共享的,一处状态更新,多处组件响应呢?这时就可以用MobX了。
TIP: React 和 MobX 是一对强力组合。React 通过提供机制把应用状态转换为可渲染组件树并对其进行渲染。而 MobX 提供机制来存储和更新应用状态供React 使用。 Use MobX in React 首先需要安装 mobx 和 mobx-react TIP: mobx-react-lite 更适用于 react hook,即:没有 class components 的项目,虽然 mobx-react ...