在React Native中使用mobx-react-lite和React挂钩来获取函数,可以通过以下步骤实现: 1. 首先,确保你已经安装了React Native和mobx-react-lite...
mobx-react-lite\src\useObserver.ts exportfunctionuseObserver<T>(fn:()=>T,baseComponentName:string="observed",options:IUseObserverOptions=EMPTY_OBJECT):T{if(isUsingStaticRendering()){returnfn()}// 定义 forceUpdate 方法,该方法用于更新 function component,默认方法是 useForceUpdateconstwantedForceUpdateHo...
pnpm i mobx mobx-react-lite 1. store/counter.ts import { makeObservable, observable, action, computed } from 'mobx'; class CounterStore { count = 0; constructor() { makeObservable(this, { count: observable, increment: action, decrement: action, doubledCount: computed }); } get doubledCou...
npm install mobx mobx-react-lite接下来,需要在项目中引入 MobX 和 mobx-react-lite:import { observable } from 'mobx'; import { use } from 'mobx-react-lite'; use();创建观察器和反应器在应用中,我们可以通过直接访问 observable 对象的属性来读取状态:...
MobX是一个用于创建响应式应用程序的观察者模式库,而React-Lite是一个轻量级的React库,旨在提供更好的性能和更少的依赖项。 在MobX-React-Lite中,Context是一个重要组件,它允许你在组件树中共享和管理状态。Context API的工作原理类似于React的Provider组件,但它提供了更简洁的API和更好的性能。 要在MobX-React-...
mobx-react-lite 是一个轻量级的 mobx-react 库,专门用于支持 React 的 hook。此库在 React 16.8 之后变得尤为重要。在mobx-react@6版本中,它被直接作为依赖引入。为充分利用此功能,建议先了解 React hook API。在使用时,我们从官网示例入手,逐步分析 mobx 和 hook 的结合方式。首先,通过 ...
React DOM:import 'mobx-react-lite/batchingForReactDom' React Native:import 'mobx-react-lite/batchingForReactNative' Opt-outTo opt-out from batching in some specific cases, simply import the following to silence the warning.import 'mobx-react-lite/batchingOptOut' ...
mobx-react-lite 🚨🚨🚨 This repo has been moved to mobx This is a lighter version of mobx-react which supports React functional components only and as such makes the library slightly faster and smaller (only 1.5kB gzipped). Note however that it is possible to use <Observer> inside ...
Note: configuring observer batching is only needed when usingmobx-react-lite2.0.* or 2.1.*. From 2.2 onward it will be configured automatically based on the availability of react-dom / react-native packages Check out the elaborate explanation. ...
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