Mallig, Nicolai; Kagerbauer, Martin; Vortisch, Peter (2013): mobiTopp - A Modular Agent-based Travel Demand Modelling Framework. In: Procedia Computer Science 19, S. 854-859. DOI: 10.1016/j.procs.2013.06.114.N. Mallig, M. Kagerbauer, P. Vortisch, mobiTopp - A Modular Agent-based ...
mobiToppridesharingThe transport mode car passenger accounts for a substantial share of the modal split. Travel demand models, however, often contain only a simplistic representation of this mode. Modeling car passenger trips realistically is complex, since the availability of this mode option depends ...
In the past years, the travel demand model mobiTopp has undergone substantial developments towards a full agent-based travel demand model. Until now, mobiTopp covers the generation of a synthetic population with synthetically generated activity plans, different models for ownership of cars or transit...
Integrating public transport into mobiToppAn advanced version of the Connection Scan Algorithm allows creating travel time estimates between zones as matrices and profiles. Profiles, compared to matrices, contain for every departure time the corresponding arrival time, while matrices contain mean travel ...
Therefore, it is important to integrate the supply side of public transport into a travel demand model.doi:10.1016/j.procs.2017.05.401Lars BriemH. Sebastian BuckNicolai MalligPeter VortischTobias ZündorfProcedia Computer Science
Mode choice and ride-pooling simulation: A comparison of mobiTopp, Fleetpy, and MATSimtransport modelsagent-based modelsmodel comparisonon-demand mobilityride-hailingshared mobilityOn-demand ride-pooling systems have gained a lot of attraction in the past years as they promise to reduce traffic and...