More mobility brings more freedom to live the way you want, whether it’s getting in and out of the shower using amobile shower chairor heading out to the shops on amobility scooter. At Bann Mobility, we help all kinds of people throughout Northern Ireland to enjoy greater freedom of mov...
Bookshops 3.7 Health and Safety General Advice Medical Care Health Insurance 3.8 Money and Banking Currency Information Cash, Traveler's Checks and Credit Cards Banks Taxes 4 Cultural Integration 4.1 Business Etiquette 4.2 Language & Phrasebook 4.3 Social Etiquette 4.4 Public Holidays 4.5 Integration ...
Most of this growth entails informal settlements and peripherally-located commercial housing, where slum-dwellers have quickly transformed housing units into shops and local businesses (Guerra, Caudillo, Monkkonen, & Montejano, 2018). Although rapid urbanization has precipitated in the last decades, the...
Still, as discussed in the Introduction section, rural areas are characterized by long distances between neighbors as well as between peoples’ homes and destinations such as shops, workplaces, schools, and medical facilities. Rural public transport has, moreover, decreased in many places over the...
We chose to focus on the mobility index of retail and recreation places as it is directly relevant to the lockdown as the key element of the policy was the closing of all non-essential shops and services. This category includes places such as cinemas, restaurants, shopping centres, etc. It...
Residential mobility patterns in rural Northern Ireland-clean break or more of the same? Scott. Geogr. J. 1993, 109, 32–36. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Porter, G. Living in a walking world: Rural mobility and social equity issues in sub-Saharan Africa. World Dev. 2002, 30, 285–300...