{ "icon_url": "https://www.example.com/assets/icon_escooter.svg", "icon_url_dark": "https://www.example.com/assets/icon_escooter_dark.svg", "icon_last_modified": "2021-06-15" }, "default_pricing_plan_id": "scooter_plan_1" }, { "vehicle_type_id": "car1", "form_factor"...
as well as energy-related mobility behaviours resulting from the choice of specific modes of transportation for moving around the city, such as by public transportation, bicycle, scooter, orwalking, have a statistically significant and positive impact on the assessment of the importance of energy-eff...
8.5. CUMULATIVE REMEDIES. All rights and remedies granted under or referred to in this Agreement are cumulative and nonexclusive, and resort to one does not preclude the availability or applicability of another or to any other right or remedy provided by law. ...