Considering all of these, it should perhaps come as no surprise that research indicates that using a phone whilst driving can make drivers four times more likely to crash.5 Safe driving tips Turn off your phone before starting your journey ...
E. On one hand, using a cell phone whilst driving has become an integral part of our lives and is going to be a hard habit to kick. But it has been proven that our reaction time is never fast enough when confronted with a road hazard, but if you are having a conversation at the ...
The simplest thing that you can do is not use your phone when driving. If your mobile is too big of a temptation, then simply put it in the glove compartment or switch it off whilst you’re in the car. Be aware of other drivers as well, and be prepared to confiscate a phone if y...
If you have been accused of using a mobile phone whilst driving, Farleys Solicitors can advise and assist you. If you face proceedings involving use of a mobile phone whilst operating a vehicle, it is important that you contact a solicitor at an early stage to seek advice about your legal...
Mobile phones have become a huge part of modern life, so much so that many people feel lost without their device by their side. Using your mobile phone whilst driving is extremely distracting and research shows that you are four times as likely to get into an accident if you do. ...
On one hand, using a cell phone whilst driving has become an integral part of our lives and is going to be a hard habit to kick. But it has been proven that our reaction time is never fast enough when confronted with a roadhazard, but if you are having a conversation at the same ...
Katie Clark
On one hand, using a cell phone whilst driving has become an integral part of our lives and is going to be a hard habit to kick. But it has been proven that our reaction time is never fast enough when confronted with a road hazard, but if you are having a conversation at the same...
Merseyside Police issued a tweet confirming they had been made aware of a video believed to show the footballer using a mobile phone whilst driving, adding that it had been passed to the relevant department. Liverpool FC also said they were aware of the video, adding that, after discussion wi...
Research by road safety groups suggests speaking on a phone whilst driving increases your chances of an accident, increasing to nine times more likely when texting. Time and again, in study after study replicated across the world, the use of a cell phone by the driver has been proven, ...