HTC One X Phone Rele... When was HTC One X phone first released? How does HTC One X phone look like? What are the main techn... iPhone Model: 5C, A1... Why the model number on the back cover of my iPhone 5C says A1532, not 5C? Is my phone really a "iPh... ...
【cellphone】、【cell phone】为美式英语,加拿大美国人使用较多。【mobilephone】、【mobile phone】为英式英语,在欧洲英国使用较为普遍。此外,这种情况下,空格对单词的意思不会造成任何影响:Cellphone=cell phone;mobile phone=mobilephone 除空格外,使用“-”也可以用于连接两个单词,且不改变词义。...
Cell phone in use, c. 2006. Cell phones are now more commonly referred to as smartphones, as most models offer Internet connectivity. (more) cell phone communications Ask the Chatbot a Question More Actions Also known as: cellular phone, cellular telephone, mobile cellular phone, mobile...
mobile是可移动的意思,mobile phone就是指移动式电话。⽽cell phone相当于celluar phone,指的是数字蜂窝式电话,⼤家都知道⼿机信号是由移动通讯 基站提供的,蜂窝系统就是许多基站构成的⽆线通讯⽹络。mobile phone和cell phone的使⽤范围也不⼀样。mobile phone是英式英语,⽽cell phone是美 式英语...
Cell Relays of Cellular PhoneOperation of a cellular telephone systemFrom a specific location within a geographic area, or cell, a subscriber places a call using a mobile telephone. The call is relayed by the base station serving that cell to the mobile telephone switching office (MTSO). The ...
Validating Phone Number Formats in Chile How to validate phone number formats for Chile? Enter your phone number in the form below and click the "Validate" button. Validation result by ⇒ Validating Phone Number Formats in China ⇐ Validating Phone Number Formats in Chad ⇑...
Cellphone和cell phone没有区别,是同一词汇的不同写法;mobile phone和mobilephone也没有区别,同样是同一词汇的不同写法。详细解释如下:当我们谈论“cellphone”和“cell phone”时,实际上是在讨论同一个概念。这两个词都指的是便携式电话,也就是我们通常所说的手机。这种设备...
mobile是可移动的意思,mobile phone就是指移动式电话。 而cell phone相当于celluar phone,指的是数字蜂窝式电话,大家都知道手机信号是由移动通讯基站提供的,蜂窝系统就是许多基站构成的无线通讯网络。 mobile phone和cell phone的使用范围也不一样。mobile phone是英式英语,而cell phone是美式英语。
首先,Cellphone和cell phone没有实质区别,它们只是写法上的差异,都指代手机。而mobile phone和mobilephone也同样没有功能或意义上的区别,只是单词合并与否的书写差异。在实际使用中,可以根据语境和个人喜好选择使用。关于“Cellphone”和“cell phone”的区别,主要体现在书写上。在...
mobile phone是英式英语,而cell phone是美式英语。 我们再来看看各种phone的表达吧! 1pay phone pay phone可不是买电话付钱哦!实际上这个词意思是公用电话、投币电话。 There was a pay phone on the wall next to the hall stand. 衣帽架旁边的墙上有一个公用电话。 2answer/pick up the phone 接电话可不...