错误cell phone数字式蜂窝移动电话:mobile phone 移动式电话蜂窝系统是指由许多基站构成的无线通信网络.每个基站只负责很小的一块区域内的用户.宏观上看,每个基站的服务覆盖区就像蜂窝中的一个穴.TDMA,GSM,CDMA,PHS...结果一 题目 cell phone 和mobile phone 意思上有什么区别? 答案 错误cell phone数字式蜂窝移动...
Samsung Phone Other Resources: Software QA Resources Developer Resources DBA Resources Windows Tutorials Java JAR Files DLL Files File Extensions Security Certificates Regular Expression Link Directories Interview Q & A Biotech Resources Cell Phone Resources ...
【cellphone】、【cell phone】为美式英语,加拿大美国人使用较多。 【mobilephone】、【mobile phone】为英式英语,在欧洲英国使用较为普遍。 此外,这种情况下,空格对单词的意思不会造成任何影响: Cellphone=cell phone;mobile phone=mobilephone 除空格外,使用“-”也可以用于连接两个单词,且不改变词义。 例如:【cell...
A cell phone is a wireless telephone that permits telecommunication within a defined area that may include hundreds of square miles, using radio waves in the 800–900 megahertz (MHz) band.
Also called: mobile phone Related Topics: iPhone BlackBerry smartphone cell phone DynaTAC See all related content mobile telephone, portable device for connecting to a telecommunications network in order to transmit and receive voice, video, or other data. Mobile phones typically connect to the ...
cell phone number. This is a faster way to trace India mobile number than any other phone tracker website. This mobile location tracker is better number tracker, a fast mobile number tracer as per Google search ratings. Now track Indian mobile number, or find location of mobile number in ...
mobile是可移动的意思,mobile phone就是指移动式电话。⽽cell phone相当于celluar phone,指的是数字蜂窝式电话,⼤家都知道⼿机信号是由移动通讯 基站提供的,蜂窝系统就是许多基站构成的⽆线通讯⽹络。mobile phone和cell phone的使⽤范围也不⼀样。mobile phone是英式英语,⽽cell phone是美 式英语...
mobile phone和cell phone在本质上都是指移动电话或手机,它们之间没有太大的区别。在不同的地区或语境中,人们可能会习惯使用不同的词汇。在一些地区,"cell phone"可能更常用,而在其他地区则更倾向于使用"mobile phone"。 然而,如果从专业或技术的角度来看,"mobile phone"可能更强调手机的移动性,即能够在任何地方...
Cellphone和cell phone没有区别,是同一词汇的不同写法;mobile phone和mobilephone也没有区别,同样是同一词汇的不同写法。详细解释如下:当我们谈论“cellphone”和“cell phone”时,实际上是在讨论同一个概念。这两个词都指的是便携式电话,也就是我们通常所说的手机。这种设备...
We introduce Puppettime, a digital puppetry project that uses mobile phones as interfaces to control virtual puppetry via motion gestures. The goal of the project is to explore cell phones as performative objects in novel interaction designs. Combining t