<input type="text" maxlength="5" /> 效果ok,当 <input type="number" maxlength="5" />时maxlength失效,长度可以无限输入。 解放方案: 1 <input type="number"oninput="if(value.length>5)value=value.slice(0,5)"/>
</label> <input type = "number" id = "number2" pattern = "[0-9]*" data-clear-btn = "false"> <label for = "number3">Clear the Number Pattern Field</label> <input type = "number" data-clear-btn = "true" id = "number3" pattern = "[0-9]*"> </form> </body> </html...
金额输入 ( input[type=number] ) <template><input:value="value"type="number"@input="_input":placeholder="placeholder"></template><script>export default{name:'input-money',props:{value:{type:String,default:''},placeholder:{type:String,default:'请输入'},maxlength:{type:[String,Number],default...
See https://www.notion.so/mui-org/core-Input-Number-component-364825a7bec94381809ac11ff05b4cc0. For eample https://react-spectrum.adobe.com/blog/how-we-internationalized-our-numberfield.html looks correct to me. Focus on desktop, no focus on mobile. Your environment @mui/base@5.0.0-beta...
https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Attributes/step 重现步骤 No response 期望结果 No response 实际结果 No response 框架版本 3.5.3 浏览器版本 No response 系统版本 No response Node版本 20 补充说明 是否可以通过这种方式实现控制小数位为两位呢 感谢各位大佬对开源的贡献,感谢各位大佬帮助...
jQuery Mobile 最有價值的部分之一,就是針對網頁外觀提供了各種視覺化的元素,並且可以讓我們再搭配 HTML5 標籤之後輕鬆的開發,以下為各視覺化元素的簡介:(部分圖片節錄至 jQuery Mobile 官方網站)1.文字輸入方塊<input type="text" name="name" id="basic" value="" />...
The jQuery Mobile Framework is “a unified HTML5-based user interface system for all popular mobile device platforms,” according to the project’s Web site (jquerymobile.com). It contains a number of touch-optimized widgets and greatly eases the task of building mobile Web applications that lo...
HTML5 and Mobile Browsers Not That Smart June 2012 Volume 27 Number 06 ByJune 2012| June 2012 As more and more devices are used to browse the Web, having a mobile-optimized Web site is becoming a critical factor for companies. Let’s face it: Even with most modern smartphones, bro...
<inputtype="email"> Tel If ever there were a most underused input type this would be it. Tel offers the user a numeric keypad. If all you want from the user is a number you should be using the tel input type. Forget using number, because that actually includes a bunch of stuff whic...