请问一下Mobile Networks & Applications投稿怎么处理呀,看到大多数都是会议SPECIAL ISSUES ,谁投过能...
该期刊扩展资料,欢迎小木虫资深虫友来补充。一起完善,供大家参考。为了保证质量,目前只有金币大于50个的虫子可以参与期刊点评。 SCI期刊名: MOBILE NETWORKS & APPLICATIONSMOBILE NETW APPL我要投此期刊 出版周期: Quarterly 出版ISSN: 1383-469X 通讯方式: SPRINGER, VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS...
各个虫友们,大家好,去年在mobile networks and applications 专刊(第4期)发表了一篇论文,到现在还没...
[求助]投稿mobile networks & applications一篇,有投稿经验的么···已有2人参与 目前已经有5个多...
各位大佬,有没有投过Mobile Networks and Applications的,它的版面费是多少?
求助ACM/Springer Mobile Networks and Applications (MONET)的latex模板.到springer的期刊主页上, 在...
• Smart grid, healthcare, transportation applications • Vehicular networks and protocols • ...
and computation of the operation of mobile sensor networks or Internet of Things. However, the dev...
3 Small Cells for 5G Mobile Networks 63 3.1 Introduction 63 3.2 What are Small Cells? 64 3.2.1 WiFi and Femtocells as Candidate Small�]Cell Technologies 66 3.2.2 WiFi and Femto Performance – Indoors vs Outdoors 70 3.3 Capacity Limits and Achievable Gains with Densifi...
3 Small Cells for 5G Mobile Networks 63 3.1 Introduction 63 3.2 What are Small Cells? 64 3.2.1 WiFi and Femtocells as Candidate Small�]Cell Technologies 66 3.2.2 WiFi and Femto Performance – Indoors vs Outdoors 70 3.3 Capacity Limits and Achievable Gains with Densifi...