Orubeondo, Ana, Mobile IP will fuel mobile computing boom, CNN.com technology, http://www.cnn.com/2000/TECH/computing/03/01/mobile.ip.idg/index.html. printed off web Mar. 2, 2000.Orubeondo, Ana, Mobile IP wi...
A performance comparison of Mobile IPv6, Hierarchical Mobile IPv6, fast handovers for Mobile IPv6 and their combination Mobile IP, the current IETF proposal for IP mobility support, represents a key element for future All-IP wireless networks to provide service continuity while on the move ...
The packet-fowarding mechanism at the core of the Mobile IP protocol for routing to mobile hosts is taken as an example. A Mobile UNITY model of packet forwarding and the mobile system in which it must operate is developed. Proofs of correctness properties, including important real-time ...
The Mobile IP protocol was designed to support seamless and continuous Internet connectivity for mobile computing devices such as notebook PCs, cell phones, PDAs, etc. Utilizing Mobile IP, the mobile computing device is able to stay connected as it moves about and changes its point of attachment...
Existing TCP connections are retained using secure and efficient connection migration, enabling established connections to seamlessly negotiate a change in endpoint IP addresses without the need for a third party. Our architecture is secure---name updates are effected via the secure DNS update protocol...
Research on SIP number mobility in mobile IP environmentIP移动环境下的SIP号码移动性研究 介绍了移动IP技术的基本原理及其不足,给出了一种利用SIP协议支持IP移动性的实现方案,并详细分 析了呼叫与通信过程中SIP支持IP移动性的实现流程,对.SIP和移动IP混合支... FAN Zifu,YAN Changqing,樊自甫,... - 《重庆...
2 MANET and Mobile IPv6 In this section, we introduce two important technologies: MANET and Mobile IPv6. 2.1 MANET A MANET is a collection of mobile computing devices (network nodes) con- nected by wireless communication technology. The network has three main fea- tures: it is established ...
in the IP address. Many Internet Protocols that are in use require that a node's IP address remain unchanged. If any of these applications are active on a Mobile IP computing device, the applications fail. Even HTTP would fail if not for the short-lived nature of its TCP connections. ...
由于普通移动IP要求在外部代理与访问节点之间有链接层连接,而这在特设网络中得不到保障,所以对移动IP的过程作出相应的修改. Because ordinary mobile IP requirements between external agents and access node has a link layer connection, which is not protected in the ad hoc network, so the process of ...
Location Area Design Algorithms for Minimizing Signalling Costs in Mobile Networks (pages 682-695) Vilmos Simon, Sándor Imre In the next generation, IP-based mobile networks, one of the most important QoS parameters, are the delay and the delay variation. The cell handover causes... Download ...