谷歌移动友好测试工具是谷歌提供给网络营销人员的免费工具,帮助他们检查其网站的每个页面是否能在任何设备上正确呈现内容,特别是移动设备。 Google Mobile Friendly Tool概述 根据statista的数据,在2020年第二季度,移动设备占全球所有网站流量的51.53%。 随着移动友好性变得越来越重要,谷歌推出了其移动友好性测试工具。 移动...
Google的Mobile-Friendly Test工具(主要用于检查网页是否对移动设备友好,即在移动设备上是否可以正常查看和使用。 以下是一些Mobile-Friendly Test可以提供的数据指标: 移动友好性:工具会显示网页是否移动友好。如果网页通过了测试,就会显示“页面为移动设备优化”。 加载问...
Google Mobile-Friendly TestLori Gama
On the page of the “Mobile Friendly Test” tool, you will find a text box with the title “Enter a URL.” This is where you will be adding the link of your site to check how responsive your website design is. When you have entered the URL, press the button that says “Check,”...
Node.js library for Google Mobile Friendly Test with Console output and Gulp.js compatibility. Latest version: 1.0.4, last published: 3 years ago. Start using mobile-friendly-test-npm in your project by running `npm i mobile-friendly-test-npm`. There are
Google Mobile-Friendly Test Verified User Director ChoseGoogle Mobile-Friendly Test It is the most simple tool to use, paired with Google Rich Test Results it will give you a heads up if you have the basic blocks for indexing in the SERP. It's free, takes a couple of seconds, and helps...
How to make Website Mobile Friendly? Create and Test Mobile-friendly Website to make it consistent across all mobile devices of different screen sizes for a seamless user experience November 19, 2024 10 min read Get Started free Contact Sales ...
站长之家(月18日消息近日,谷歌发布了新版移动友好度测试工具(Mobile Friendly Test)。据悉,比起旧版的友好度工具,新版工具的界面更加简洁、功能涵盖范围更广、且速度也更快了。 2014年11月,谷歌首次针对移动搜索推出了“移动友好度工具”,不过当时这款工具在性能方面比较粗糙,只能判定网页的移动友好度状...
Do you work for Google? Learn how we help vendors Get your free intent data report Profile Claimed Overview What is Google Mobile-Friendly Test? Google Mobile-Friendly Test is a search engine optimization software solution offered by Google.Read more Loading...Return to navigation Loading... ...
Discover today(15 day free trial) Mobile Friendly Test [Data by Google]. This tool is no longer available, because API support is deprecated Why is a mobile friendly website important? Because most people are searching on Google with a mobile device. For this reason Google introduced their mo...