环境:Windows11,Windows10,Windows8,Windows7,WinXP 9.4 0%0% 详情介绍 随意苹果手机的价格越来越平民化很多人都使用起了苹果手机,不过很多小伙伴们表示不知道如何将苹果手机的数据以及资料都存储到电脑,为了帮助小伙伴们解决这一问题小编特地带来了apple mobile device 驱动工具,该驱动是专门针对苹果手机而开发的一款...
如果Windows 上的 iTunes 无法识别某台 iPhone、iPad 或 iPod touch,则可能需要重新启动 AMDS。 如何重新启动 AMDS 在连接设备时,你可能会看到以下错误:“无法使用此 [设备],因为 Apple Mobile Device 服务未启动。” 请按照以下步骤重新启动 AMDS: 关闭iTunes,然后断开当前连接的任何 iPhone、iPad 或 iPod。
razmee209 Community+ 2025 User level: Level 10 195,024 points May 30, 2024 11:47 AM in response to leananger leananger wrote: Mobile Device Driver for Windows 11 is missing, can I have an installation? Delete and reinstall iTunes. (1) Reply of 1 Mobile Device Driver for Windows 11...
Windows 11 Windows 11 A Microsoft operating system designed for productivity, creativity, and ease of use. Ok, so upon further investigation, I found out that the mobile devices startup app is called Cross Device Experience Host within the Microsoft store. It installed on 3/2/24. I...
Windows Mobile Device Center, free download for Windows. Synchronize Windows with mobile devices for file transfer, backup and restore.
Device ID 75260F52-12EF-4223-BFA0-5889FE183C3EProduct ID 00325-81531-06215-AAOEMSystem type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processorPen and touch No pen or touch input is available for this display Edition Windows 11 HomeVersion 21H2Installed on 1/3/2022OS build 22000.527...
Use Microsoft OneDrive for Windows mobile devices to save and share files, including documents, photos, videos or music files, just as with OneDrive on your computer.Select your device's version of Windows from one of the tabs below:Windows 10Windows 8 or 8.1...
I've just noticed if I change some advance setting all devices are refreshed in device manager, so I suppose wi-fi adapter is restarted forcibly and after some attempts (~10-20) it starts working, but system logs notify with error and at the same time WLAN logs are good.Than...
DeviceId DeviceType FirmwareInformation 制造商 MobileEquipmentId 型号 NetworkDeviceStatus PinManager 修订 SerialNumber SimGid1 SimIccId SimPnn SimSpn SlotManager SubscriberId TelephoneNumbers MobileBroadbandDeviceService MobileBroadbandDeviceServiceCommandResult ...
以下用户的用户个人资料: Anson Luk Anson Luk 用户级别:级别 4 1,604 积分 ...