Part of the book series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS, volume 1818) Included in the following conference series: MWCN: IFIP International Conference on Mobile and Wireless Communication Networks Conference proceedings info: MWCN 2000. 12k Accesses 65 Citations 3 Altmetric This is ...
Over the last ten years, the communication and information landscape has changed drastically with the development and rapid uptake of new portable devices such as smartphones or tablets, which are able to provide instant access to the internet anywhere. The likelihood of owning a smartphone increases...
PUBLICATIONS, PATENTS, PRESENTATIONS, AND HONORS REPORT b. Papers Published in Refereed Journals d. Books or Chanters Published [1] Y. Park and S.S. Rappaport, "Cellular Communication Systems with Voice and Background Data," Mobile Multimedia Communications, Plenum Publishers. November 1997. ...
The journal Mobile Networks and Applications reflects the emerging symbiosis of portable computers and wireless networks, addressing the convergence of ...
Mobile communication system and method of data dispersion in said system In a mobile communication system, which has a plurality of radio network controllers and a number of radio base stations connected to each of the radio network controllers, for sending and receiving user data between a host ...
Mobile communications networks consist of a huge number of elements that all need to work effectively to provide the service we have come to expect from our mobile communications systems. The performance they provide is staggering, when the number of functions that are needed is considered....
communication booknotes quarterly 1. cbq review essay: going mobile: rise and impact of the cell phone, part idoi:10.1080/10948007.2010.486634Christopher H Sterling
The scope covers four major topical areas: mobile and wireless networks and applications; security in mobile and wireless technology; mobile data management and applications; and mobile software. The book will be a valuable reference for current researchers in academia and industry, and a useful ...
This paper explores Chinese elderly people’s communication and social networking requirements on mobile services. Interviews, observations and questionnaires provided insight into elderly people’s requirements. The result of data analysis illustrates the relationship between social, family, personal factors ...
Sensor networks are often part of a cyber-physical system. A large-scale sensor network often involves big data collection and data fusion. The agent technology has drawn much attention in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) to perform data fusion and energy