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BELLEVUE, Wash.-TheU.S. wireless carrier T-Mobilesaid Thursday that an unidentified malicious intruder breached its network in late November and stole data on 37 million customers, including addresses, phone numbers and dates of birth. T-Mobile said in a filing with the Security and Exchange Co...
Tried to clean / wash it and water damaged it Dropped it into boiling water Put it through the washing machine by accident Left it on the roof of my car and it fell off Dropped a weight on it at the gym Threw it to someone who didn’t catch it Ran over my phone with my car My...
"I was panicking because I had access to something big," he said. "Their security is awful." Binns spent about a week parsing the servers before downloading the data cache on Aug. 4. Some nine days later, security research firm Unit221B told T-Mobile that someone ...
Share 41 Tweet Share Reddit Email Subscribe to GeekWire Newsletters today!T-Mobile CEO John Legere at the company’s headquarters in Bellevue, Wash. (GeekWire Photo / Taylor Soper) T-Mobile’s pending megamerger with former rival Sprint garnered worldwide attention. But another T-Mo...
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Reddit userTheFallenWolvesaskedwhat's the worst poop horror story you've ever experienced, and people absolutely did not hold back. 1.The miserable hot cocoa incident: "When I was 11, my dad was working at a factory that had a hot chocolate and coffee vending machine. I decided that 27...