Virtual Communities: Communities enabling individuals to interact through computer-based tools, such as e-mails, forums, whiteboards, instant messaging, audio/video conference sessions, and so forth. Mobile Virtual Communities: Communities constituted by individuals using mobile and wireless computational de...
Growing use of mobiles phones (MP) and other wireless devices (WD) has raised concerns about their possible effects on children and adolescents’ well
Fig. 3. Evolution of wireless communication (1G to 5G). 1. 1G In first-generation (1G) technologies, first mobile phone was presented to consumers. Networks were analogue and only voice services (No data service) was provided to users. It was expensive technology at that time. Only limited...
The advances in mobile devices and wireless communication techniques have enabled anywhere, anytime data access. Data being accessed can be categorized into... Download This Chapter $37.50Add to CartPreview Chapter Chapter 232 Multimedia over Wireless Mobile Data Networks (pages 3130-3150) Surendra Ku...
Russian and American scientists have worked together for the international Space Station (ISS) for a long time. They hope the ISSwill provide a long-lasting lab. Such a lab will bring humans limitless (无限的) advantages. It's even hoped that one day spare technology will take humans to ...
To study in the Internet information security and privacy problem, a method based on IoT card monitoring technology based on machine learning, the technology can use fuzzy c-means algorithm for onlin...
We cover the best SaaS product award recognitions and a recap from the GDC 2021 Awards. Learn about LiFi, the wireless communication technology that uses LEDs, and how HomeGrid Forum and Signify are innovating LiFi applications. We've got updates from iPilot, Sumo Logic, Couchbase, and many ...
Quality of experience (QoE) method and apparatus for wireless communication networks A Quality of Experience (QoE) framework provides a technique to assess the end user experience in a mobile wireless communication environment, such as 2.5G or 3G networks, or in any other wireless or hardwired co...
A wireless data transmission method and a mobile terminal therefor and one interworking function (IWF) device, in accordance with a mobile terminal, a server IWF unit and a wireless data transmission method executed, include the Internet with the use of Protocol (IP) address identifier of the ...
In mobile communications systems, mobile units are free to move at a local, regional, national level, track international, while providing communication. With the increasing use, mobile users wish to increasingly access Internet services during their travels, the opportunities offered by these ...