Mobil 1™ 15W-50 is designed to help keep your engine running like new by providing outstanding wear protection, cleaning power and overall performance.
Mobil美孚超级黑霸王CI-4 15W-40 /20W-50 重卡柴油发动机油 ¥275.5成交0件 深圳市盛科润滑油有限公司5年 美孚品牌 正品Mobil美孚一号 经典表现0W-40 SP级适用发动机全合成机油 1L ¥30.0成交48件 清河县抖联贸易商行1年 美孚品牌 Mobil美孚机油424 425 426 427 429螺杆式专用拉力士空气压缩机油 ...
Results 1-2 of 2 Mobil Super™ Everyday Protection 20W-50 The Mobil Super 1000 range of lubricants are premium mineral engine oils, designed to provide a high level of protection and performance Oil Product details and SDS Mobil Super™ Everyday Protection 15W-40 The Mobil Super 1000...
阿里巴巴美孚46号液压油MOBIL DTE 25 UT 21 22 24 26 27长效抗磨液压油,液压油(传动油),这里云集了众多的供应商,采购商,制造商。这是美孚46号液压油MOBIL DTE 25 UT 21 22 24 26 27长效抗磨液压油的详细页面。产地:江苏太仓,原产国/地区:美国,型号:美孚DTE25UT长效
Safety Data Sheets (SDS) Features and Benefits Mobil 1 Racing oils are proprietary formulations of low viscosity synthetic base oils fortified with a precisely balanced component-blended additive system featuring high levels of anti-wear and friction reducing additives. This advanced protection is enginee...
MOBIL DELVAC SUPER 1300 C 15W-40 V1 MOBIL DELVAC SUPER 1300 C 20W-50 V1 等级 SAE 15W-40 SAE 20W-50 硫酸盐灰分,质量百分比,ASTM D 874 1.1 1.06 15ºC 时的密度,kg/l,ASTM D4052 0.869 0.872 100ºC 时的运动黏度,mm²/s,ASTM D445 ...
Mobil Delvac MX™ ESP 15W-40 是一款超高性能柴油引擎機油,有助於延長在嚴苛的公路及非公路應用環境中運行的引擎之壽命,同時為高輸出、低排放的現代引擎提供卓越性能,包括配有廢氣再循環 (EGR) 以及柴油碳微粒過濾器 (DPF) 和柴油氧化催化器 (DOC) 後處理系統的引擎。Mobil Delvac MX ESP 15W-40 可與舊款...