What I expected: Just like in single player, under normal circumstances the server would have radius 9 chunks loaded (radius 2= tiny render distance, radius 4=short, radius 8=normal, and load a 9th chunk out so that block ticks can affect stuff into that next chunk), and would have gam...
int-cache-limit:设置Integer的缓存,默认为1024,生存服特别是使用了其他的地形生成器的,设置为4096会有一定的性能提升。 merge-radius:掉落物、经验值的合并范围,建议把item设置为5.0,exp设置为6.0。如果你的服务器有一些自动化的刷怪设备,增大经验值和掉落物的合并范围可以减少掉落物的数量,一定程度上可以提升性能。
Mob Spawn eggs (as of MC 1.8+) can be right clicked on to a Monster Spawner Block and will change the spawner to the same mob as the Mob Egg. This means with other mods that allow you to move spawners you can create tailor made mob farms. Note: Vanilla mobs with variants eg. ...
@Spawner{s=[string]} 将刷怪点的坐标作为目标 @RLNTE{amount=#;radius=#;spacing=#;minradius=#;} 选择生物周围随机的坐标点作为目标,amount代表坐标点数量,radius代表半径的距离,spacing代表每个坐标之间的距离,minradius代表最小半径,这个选择常用于 Meteor 技能 多坐标目标目标 缩写 描述 @PlayerLocationsIn...
linux云服务搭建Minecraft服务器 Spigot服务端是我第一种接触的服务端,如果是新手服主的话推荐使用,可以从纯净服开始学习如何搭建MC服务器和搭配好玩的服务器插件,要是mod服的话可以使用Spong海绵端、Catserver猫端等。 文章末尾有附带Spigot从1.7~1.14.4版本的服务端下载,如果出现没法获取分享文件的话,可能是我对网盘...
ParticleSpawner.spawn(glitter, world, new StaticInterp<>(getPositionVector().add(0, height, 0)), 1000, 0, (i, build) -> { double radius = 0.2; build.setDeceleration(new Vec3d(RandUtil.nextDouble(0.8, 0.95), RandUtil.nextDouble(0.8, 0.95), RandUtil.nextDouble(0.8, 0.95))); build.ad...
具体的种类可以参考要Minecraft的Wiki。 findChunksForSpawning函数实现的就是上面描述的逻辑。看一下SpawnerAnimals.java这个类。 public final class SpawnerAnimals { private static final int MOB_COUNT_DIV = (int)Math.pow(17.0D, 2.0D); /** The 17x17 area around the player where mobs can spawn */...