What I expected: Just like in single player, under normal circumstances the server would have radius 9 chunks loaded (radius 2= tiny render distance, radius 4=short, radius 8=normal, and load a 9th chunk out so that block ticks can affect stuff into that next chunk), and would have gam...
int-cache-limit:设置Integer的缓存,默认为1024,生存服特别是使用了其他的地形生成器的,设置为4096会有一定的性能提升。 merge-radius:掉落物、经验值的合并范围,建议把item设置为5.0,exp设置为6.0。如果你的服务器有一些自动化的刷怪设备,增大经验值和掉落物的合并范围可以减少掉落物的数量,一定程度上可以提升性能。
Mob spawners, like my skeleton farm around a spawner, works great though. I attached (uploaded) the world, with the player right below the mob farm. Sadly my world is 12mb big, so I uploaded it somewhere else: http://www.ta-sa.org/files/20170508_mob_farm_spawn_problem.mcworld Maybe ...
show-health-radius: [数字] #距离这些怪物多远 玩家可以看见其血量show-health-format:Format of the message that is displayed using the following variables: #显示格式设定$mobname:#怪物名字$percent:#玩家生命百分比$mobhp: #怪物生命值$mobmaxhp:#怪物最大生命值 2楼2014-06-03 12:53 收起回复 ...
@Spawner{s=[string]} 将刷怪点的坐标作为目标 @RLNTE{amount=#;radius=#;spacing=#;minradius=#;} 选择生物周围随机的坐标点作为目标,amount代表坐标点数量,radius代表半径的距离,spacing代表每个坐标之间的距离,minradius代表最小半径,这个选择常用于 Meteor 技能 多坐标目标目标 缩写 描述 @PlayerLocationsIn...
linux云服务搭建Minecraft服务器 Spigot服务端是我第一种接触的服务端,如果是新手服主的话推荐使用,可以从纯净服开始学习如何搭建MC服务器和搭配好玩的服务器插件,要是mod服的话可以使用Spong海绵端、Catserver猫端等。 文章末尾有附带Spigot从1.7~1.14.4版本的服务端下载,如果出现没法获取分享文件的话,可能是我对网盘...
that even with 4 blocks above the floor, mobs prioritise spawning on a flat open plain, with no sides, or something with a more rigid bottom. Instead of spawning within the spawner, the spawned on top of it. When I added layers to see if walls were the problem, they again, went to...
具体的种类可以参考要Minecraft的Wiki。 findChunksForSpawning函数实现的就是上面描述的逻辑。看一下SpawnerAnimals.java这个类。 public final class SpawnerAnimals { private static final int MOB_COUNT_DIV = (int)Math.pow(17.0D, 2.0D); /** The 17x17 area around the player where mobs can spawn */...