/setblock10064100minecraft:spawner{SpawnData:{id:"minecraft:skeleton"},SpawnCount:4,SpawnRange:6,Delay:200} 1. 在这个示例中: SpawnCount:4表示刷怪笼每次将生成4个骷髅。 SpawnRange:6表示生成的骷髅将在6个方块的范围内随机出现。 Delay:200表示生成间隔为200个刻(Minecraft的时间单位),约为10秒。 更改...
intj =this.getSpawnerWorld().getEntitiesWithinAABB(entity.getClass(), (newAxisAlignedBB((double)blockpos.getX(), (double)blockpos.getY(), (double)blockpos.getZ(), (double)(blockpos.getX()1), (double)(blockpos.getY()1), (double)(blockpos.getZ()1))).expand((double)this.spawnRange,...
spawn-npcs=false #是否有主城NPC white-list=false #是否开启白名单 spawn-animals=true #是否允许动物生成 hardcore=false #是否开启极限模式 snooper-enabled=false #是否给snoop.minecraft.net网站发送服务器数据,推荐关闭 online-mode=false #是否联网游戏(非正版一定要改false) resource-pack= #服务器资源包下载...
What I see as the bug: View range – chunks sent from server to client for display – should be independent of game effects – effects are within 9 chunks, as mobs should despawn if loaded and more than 127 from a player, and a block 8 chunks away might tick and update into that 9t...
Control number of entities a spawner can spawn before it dies. (not supported in Forge 1.18) + Change default range of all spawners (through config) + Change spawner block hardness (through config) Fabric and Forge configuration: Config found at .minecraft/config/spawnermod.json. true/false ...
The Improved Mob Spawn mod improves spawn rates and eases conditions for monsters to spawn, which means you’ll be facing more monsters than usual and sometimes in places where you normally wouldn’t find them.
"item.spawnermod.iron_golem_spawn_egg":"铁傀儡刷怪蛋", "button.count.default":"数量:默认", "button.count.low":"数量:少", "button.count.high":"数量:多", "button.count.very_high":"数量:非常多", "button.count.disabled":"数量:已禁用", ...
Spawner 2: /setblock 64 6 229 spawner{SpawnData:{id:slime},SpawnCount:2,MaxNearbyEntities:100,Delay:300,MaxSpawnDelay:500,RequiredPlayerRange:16} replace Video proof:http://usetapes.com/v/TQQ1qEYHiC relates to MCPE-8560Slime spawners do not function outside areas that spawn slimes naturall...
Minecraft mod. It is renderer of spawn information for mob spawn points, slime chunks and monster spawner block. - alalwww/SpawnChecker
If you change config values after loading a world, some mobs will have values from before still if they loaded before the change was made, as the values are applied upon entity spawn. If you like my content and want to help support me make more please consider donating to my patreon!