Mob Psycho 100: With Setsuo Ito, Takahiro Sakurai, Miyu Irino, Akio Ôtsuka. A psychic middle school boy tries to live a normal life and keep his growing powers under control, even though he constantly gets into trouble.
Chapter Information Volume 7 Arc Keiji Mogami Arc Chapter 60 Chapter Guide PreviousNext ← PreviousNext → True Identityis the sixtieth chapter of theMob Psycho 100manga series. Synopsis Synopsis to be added. Appearing Characters Navigation
187 abandoned 125 abc 108 abilities 454 ability 1259 able 85 abraham 116 absence 83 absent 352 absolute 1485 absolutely 306 absurd 192 abuse 91 abusive 98 abysmal 297 academy 485 accent 203 accents 300 accept 130 acceptable 144 accepted 92 access 318 accident 200 accidentally 88 accompanied 124 a...
Mob Psycho 100: With Setsuo Ito, Takahiro Sakurai, Miyu Irino, Akio Ôtsuka. A psychic middle school boy tries to live a normal life and keep his growing powers under control, even though he constantly gets into trouble.