"Mob Psycho 100" Show Me What You've Got ~Band Together~ (TV Episode 2019) - Movies, TV, Celebs, and more...
Mob Psycho 100 is an animated fantasy action series based on a webcomic from author One. The story surrounds a powerful psychic boy named Shigeo, nicknamed Mob, who only seeks to gain the affection of his school crush. Striving to hone his craft, he seeks help from a self-proclaimed psych...
Mob Psycho 100: With Kasumi Yamaya, Ayumu Mochizuki, Tatsuomi Hamada, Akio Ôtsuka. There's an organization gathering espers for a nefarious purpose. Powerful psychic Mob, however, is just trying to be the protagonist of his own life.
English Title Mob Psycho 100 Aliases モブサイコヒャク Romaji Title Mobu Saiko Hyaku Furigana Title モブサイコ100 Japanese Title モブサイコ100 Japanese Studio Name ボンズ English Studio Name Bones Companies Involved ( Add ) Content Rating T - Teen Genre Tags ( Add ) action, slice of life...
Mob Psycho 100 Complete Season 1 DVD / Blu-Ray Combo (Blu-ray) AU Release DetailsWednesday 19 December 2018 Release Date: Wednesday, 19 December 2018 RRP: $69.95 (AUD) Rating: M Company: Madman Entertainment Country: Australia Posted By: Joe ...
Mob Psycho 100 II: The First Spirits and Such Company Trip ~A Journey that Mends the Heart and Heals the Soul~: Directed by Yuzuru Tachikawa. With Edward Bosco, Barbara Goodson, Takanori Hoshino, Miyu Irino. Mob, Reigen, Dimple, and the newest member of
Divine Tree 1 ~The Founder Appears~: Directed by Yuzuru Tachikawa, Naoto Uchida. With Kimmie Britt, Kristian Eros, Rochelle Grimsmo, Daiki Hamano. All of Seasoning City has become brainwashed by the Psycho Helmet Cult. Mob and Reigen rush to destroy the
After Psycho Helmet's appearance, tree roots start emerging all around the city. Sensing danger, Mob goes with Reigen and Ritsu to destroy the Divine Tree, but eventually, they are overwhelmed by the members of the Psycho Helmet Religion. ...
Mob Psycho 100 Dimple Pajamas Material: Flannel Size: as the picture shows 1 cm = 0.39 inches Note: If you have any dissatisfaction with my product, please contact me in time, please do not give me negative comments, I will solve the problem for you in time. If you are satisfied with...
Ritsu, even, shows So far, this is one of the more memorable mob psycho books。 I think this is where each and every character starts to express themselves and overcomes whatever obstacles they were facing before。 Teruki, for example, even though one of my favorite moments with him was wh...