The current head honcho of Liberty City’s Irish Mob. After leading the gang with moderate success for a number of years however, McReary's influence has begun to wane. And some say so has his sanity. He currently finds himself in over his head with local crime families who wish to mov...
buttherewillbenomorebossofbosses. 但是领导之上再无他人 Instead,we'llhaveaboardofdirectors, 我们会组建起一个理事会 acommissionrunbytheheadsofthefiveNewYorkfamilies. 也就是由纽约五大家庭领导组成的委员会 Theywillhavethefinalsayinallmatters, 他们对所有事务拥有最终决定权 ...
2.Any of various similar criminal organizations, especially when dominated by members of the same nationality. 3.oftenmafiaInformalA tightly knit group of trusted associates, as of a political leader:"[He]is one of the personal mafia that[the chancellor]brought with him to Bonn"(Christian Scienc...
Afterrisingintheranksof 在纽约黑帮中 theNewYorkunderworldfortwodecades, 步步高升二十年后 Charles"Lucky"Lucianomakesadecision 查理·卢西亚诺做了一项决定 thatcouldbringdowntheMafia... 对于全美黑帮而言这将是一个致命的打击 Mr.Luciano. 卢西亚诺先生 ...
写影评 分享到 推荐 Mob Cops的剧情简介· ··· Inspired by true events - Follows the story of two corrupt policemen Sammy Canzano (David Arquette) and Leo Beneti (Jeremy Luke) who committed a series of horrific assassinations and other crimes for the New York crime families in the mid-198...
May the Lord protect each and every one of you Brothers and your families! Hogmob for life! もっと見るFlushing, NY@ Church City USA ファンからのレビューをもっと見る おすすめアーティスト Lecrae フォロワー数 985K フォロー Scarface フォロワー数 103K フォロー Nas フォロワー...
Since the days of Prohibition, when alcohol was outlawed, the mob controlled much of New York City’s nightclub business—with special expertise in its shadowy, illegal fringes. The Genovese family, one of the so-called “five families” that dominated organized crime in New York City, reigned...
Meanwhile, recordings of Secret Service radio transmissions revealed agents at the Capitol trying to whisk Pence to safety amid the mayhem and asking for messages to be relayed telling their own families goodbye. The panel showed previously unseen testimony from the president’s son, Donald Trump, ...
The heads of the two families agreed to a sit-down withWWNto explain their viewpoint on the alleged tensions. “First of all,” Sam Gambiossi, “the fact that you’re bringing up the word ‘Mafia’ in regards to us is uncouth.” ...
The building boom of the ’90s in New York and New Jersey attracted contractors from as far away and Chicago and Texas, and today, prosecutors charged that almost all of them had to pay the mob. Prosecutors say mob families, through such activities, were able to claim 5 to 10 percent ...