Live-action re-imagining of the 2016 Disney animated film 'Moana'. Director Thomas Kail Writers Jared Bush (screenplay by) (based on Disney's Moana animation screenplay by) | Dana Ledoux Miller (screenplay by) Producers Beau Flynn | Dany Garcia | Hiram Garcia | Dwayne Johnson | Lin-...
Thomas Kail is set to make his feature film debut through the live-action remake of Moana By Ali Valle Jun 1, 2023 Movie News Auliʻi Cravalho Won’t Return to Play Moana in Disney’s Live-Action Remake Just a few weeks after the announcement of Disney’s live-action adaptation...
Moana: Directed by Thomas Kail. With Dwayne Johnson, Frankie Adams, Catherine Laga'aia, Rena Owen. Live-action adaptation of the 2016 Disney animated film 'Moana'.
It's a deeply moving and beautiful film that celebrates it's main character, her culture and her self-empowerment... but she could have been a lot more meaningful and authentic if she reflected and honored a specific Pacific Island culture. ...
As for the scenes, they mostly focus on young Moana, so the majority of the sequences would’ve appeared in the film’s first act. A few offer intriguing details – such as what happened to Moana’s grandfather – and they can be mildly interesting, but most feel like unnecessary exposit...
Moana, the film's titular character, is a teenage Polynesian girl, daughter of a tribal chief. She is also "a born navigator," and the film's plot will see her set out on a sea voyage,"encountering enormous sea creatures, breathtaking underworlds and ancient folklore." Filmmaker John Musk...
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, who stars as Maui in 'Moana,' has revealed when production for the film's live-action remake will begin. By Lade Omotade Jul 8, 2024 The 8 Things You Need to Know About Disney's Live-Action Moana Remake Movie "You're Welcome!" By Aidan Kelley Jun...
Release Date March 7 2017 COMMENTS Disney’s 1080p/AVC-encoded presentation of Moana is stunning. As you will learn in some of the supplements, quite a lot of technological advancement went into the animation of the film’s two most prominent elements—ocean waves and wavy hair—and every bi...
Jan 2Deadline Film + TV Despicable Me Films Ranked At The Worldwide Box Office: The 4th Installment Is Just 6% Less Than The Highest-Grossing Movie’s Global Haul! Jan 1KoiMoi Contribute to this page Suggest an edit or add missing content ...
After the surprise announcement of Moana 2, the release date for Disney's live-action Moana has supposedly been pushed out from its original plan.