Aiming8011创作的外语有声书作品solve for happy- Mo Gawdat,目前已更新3个声音,收听最新音频章节Chapter2 6-5-7。Chapter1
Solve for X_Mo Gawdat, Solve for Happy 是在优酷播出的生活高清视频,于2015-11-29 22:32:52上线。视频内容简介:Solve for X_Mo Gawdat, Solve for Happy
将同情心、同理心、幸福感遗传给自己的“孩子”,是人类现在最重要的使命。 Google X的前首席商务官,在Google总部技术实验室从事机器人和人工智能的颠覆性创新。在过去十年的时间里,研究“幸福”的来源课题。他同时也是全球畅销书《Solve for Happy》的作者,通过数据科学演绎幸福如何产生的数学方程式,此书已经以22种...
story woven with a rich analysis of what we all seek” (Sergey Brin, cofounder of Google), Mo Gawdat, Chief Business Officer at Google’s [X], applies his superior logic and problem solving skills to understand how the brain processes joy and sadness—and then he solves for happy。In...
Mo Gawdat is the former Chief Business Officer of Google [X]; host of the popular podcast, Slo Mo: A Podcast with Mo Gawdat; author of the international bestselling booksSolve for Happy;Scary Smart;That Little Voice in Your Head; andUnstressable;founder of One Billion Happy; and Chief AI...
Mo Gawdat is the former Chief Business Officer of Google [X]; host of the popular podcast, Slo Mo: A Podcast with Mo Gawdat; author of the international bestselling booksSolve for Happy;Scary Smart;That Little Voice in Your Head; andUnstressable;founder of One Billion Happy; and Chief AI...
Google X的前首席商务官,在Google总部技术实验室从事机器人和人工智能的颠覆性创新。在过去十年的时间里,研究“幸福”的来源课题。他同时也是全球畅销书《Solve for Happy》的作者,通过数据科学演绎幸福如何产生的数学方程式,此书已经以22种语言在全球出版。