We combine Mohand transform with homotopy perturbation scheme and show the results in the form of easy convergence. The accuracy of the scheme is considerably increased by deriving numerical results in the form of a quick converge series. Some graphical plot distributions are presented to show that...
ELISA and dot immunobinding assay (DIBA) among other serological methods are commonly used for detection of CMV (Yu et al., 2005; Zein and Miyatake, 2009). However, in recent years, the use of RT-PCR has increased for detection of CMV due to its greater sensitivity (Bhat and Siju, ...
aaftnnhBtseNif-ewb-rMorbinneSdtk2wilnheegeeptbnehraeBonnNsdotrmCaunecid-s- non is which ainlsdouicnetraodhuetceerdotgoentheeouMsSc2hlaarygeer otrfaBnNsf-eMr bSe2thweeteernoBstNruacntudreMaSs2thlaeyceorms opfrBesNsi-vMe sSt2rahientecroonsttirnuucetutoreins c(raesadseiss-, Mporlaebyxieticadal...
The corrosion rate for all the alloys, low alloy carbon steels, stainless steels, nickel-based alloys and titanium alloys was very low (<<0.1 mm/year) but all the alloys suffered localized damage such as cracking or pitting as reported by Karlsdottir et al. [11]. Erosion-corrosion testing...
Draw the Lewis dot structures for the following atoms (a) N (b) Na (c) Cl (d) Ne (e) BrWhat is the electron configuration of copper?Predict the mode of decay for each of the following unstable nuclide a) Sb-132 b) Te-139 c...
(a, i) BSE images, (b) Cu Kα1, (c) Mo Lα1, (d) Al Kα1, (e) C Kα1-2, (f) Si Kα1, (g) Y Lα1, (h) O Kα1, (j) dot scan of point one of (i), and (k) dot scan of point two of (i). 3.5 Arc duration and energy The main form of arc erosion ...
The MICA2DOT mote, typically powered by a circular “button” battery, is not much bigger than a quarter. Photo courtesy Crossbow Technology, Inc. The "mote" concept creates a new way of thinking about computers, but the basic idea is pretty simple: The core of a mote is a small, lo...
γ = τc /k , k = R /d is the dimensionless form of size, which is the ij i j j j 0 number of atoms lined along the radius, R , of a spherical dot, a rod, or across the thickness, R , of j j a thin plate. τ is the dimensionality of a thin plate (τ = 1), a...
(nrmFwoiifpghnil.ai eltr3ehiodseiofttnptoghoproet)aefdEnatulCthoiaBaenMlllgytwmowcapahsioptahggnrargtaelhoepaesnthegiporcrvtooehinmfreiltatedhhgaoeeesfhMMwEeoiVdotB-h-rMlriiinctc(hhehFeiisganic.dr reF3eoa.dis,gsN.mp as3oemicsdcsedt(iilbwloyel,nhy)EsiatrCeleoBoffMdnleoEgcitsCttti...
In Fig. 1a, we show the calculated formation energies of all the configurations considered and the convex hull of alloy ground states of monolayer Mo1−xWxS2 (in blue dot and line). The negative formation energies of all these alloy configurations suggest that monolayer Mo1−xWxS2 is sta...