Two types of secondary emitter materials, the rare earth oxides (RE2O3) doped Mo cermet cathodes and the Y2O3-W matrix pressed cathode, are introduced in this paper. According to the calculation results, Y2O3 exhibits the best secondary emission property among Y2O3, La2O3, CeO2 and Lu2O3...
Even though SFMSc was employed as a single-phase cathode without connecting the proton-conducting oxide to form the composites, the SFMSc cathode still makes contact with the BCZY electrolyte. As a result, the chemical compatibility of SFMSc and BCZY should be investigated. The XRD patterns ...
Even though SFMSc was employed as a single-phase cathode without connecting the proton-conducting oxide to form the composites, the SFMSc cathode still makes contact with the BCZY electrolyte. As a result, the chemical compatibility of SFMSc and BCZY should be investigated. The XRD patterns ...
2.32..3M. MicricorsotrsutrcutuctruarlaCl hCahraarcatecrteizraiztiaotnion asankmdVp1Xl0ae-0nXrada-mnryaa1Adyl0yi0wfdsfimirasfasfvAcrptaaiercowritnefiaood(srnXfmprR(oeXeDmrdRf,oDtS2or0m,m◦aSanetmrodatla1Lytr1ozat0ebLa◦t3n.ahbMaKely3WipczhKr,eoaTWsstothekr,seuyTocopoft,hukcJar...
Expe(rbim)ental results for the TFOS at m = 0.605: (a) Line volta(gce)uAB and line current iA; (b) Figure 13F.SiEpguexcrptereu1r3imm. EaenxnpatleayrlsirmiseesfounrtlatuslArfBeo;sr(uct)lhtSsepfTeocrFtrOthuSemTaatFnmOaSl=yas0tis.m6f0o=5r:0i(A.a6. )05L:in(ae) vLoinlteavgo...