fight against, and sometimes run away from. You get a real assortment here, too, with a handful of violent monsters, some friendly mobs, animals that can be tamed and farmed for resources, and even a couple of creatures that can be equipped with a saddle and ridden around like a horse....
The Camping Rusher- If I hadn't watched his Mo' Creatures let's play as a kid, I never would have gotten into the Mo' Creatures mod, and I never would have known all the problems with the original Mo' Creatures mod for 1.7.10. Link to the playlist of his let's play:https://ww...
Define Mocumentary. Mocumentary synonyms, Mocumentary pronunciation, Mocumentary translation, English dictionary definition of Mocumentary. n. pl. mock·u·men·ta·ries A fictional movie or television program that is a parody made in the style of a fact
Download mod_smpmocreaturesclient.jar mod/ 362 k) The download jar file contains the following class files or Java source files. META-INF/MANIFEST.MF moCreatures/textures/bear.png moCreatures/textures/bearb.png moCreatures/textures/birdblack.png moCreatures/texture...
Well I still remember how I managed to make the transition succesfully from the non-aspect wind serpent to a flaming horse, if by any chance anyone is still interested. What you need first: 1. Make a copy of each of the following files: creatures.txt, itemtype.txt, creatureinfo.txt, ...