型号 MNS 本产品的基本柜架为组合装配式结构,柜内零部件尺寸、隔室尺寸实行模数化,可根据方案的需要,加上相应的门、封板、隔板、安装支架、母线、功能单元零部件,组装成低压开关设备。防护等级达到IP40,技术性能符合GB7251.1要求。适用于交流50-60Hz,额定工作电压660V及以下的电力系统,作为发电输电、配电、电能转换...
1 一、柜型共同点与不同点GGD 是固定柜,GCK、GCS、MNS 是抽屉柜/固定分隔柜。GCK 柜和 GCS、MNS 柜抽屉推进机构不同;GCS 柜只能做单面操作柜,GCS 设计最大电流只能做到 4000AMNS 柜可以做双面操作柜,柜深 800mm、1000mm,可以做到 6300A单元:GCK、GCS 最小抽屉单元 1/2 模数,MNS(ABB 技术)最小抽...
Background The vast majority of presumed branch-duct intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms (BD-IPMNs) of the pancreas are referred to a surveillance program due to the relatively low risk of malignancy. We aim to evaluate all available data from observational studies focused on the risks of BD...
GCS是90年代中期设计的新一代抽屉式开关柜,主要结构与MNS类似,主母线后置。与MNS不同的是:抽屉模数使用了国内常用的20mm模数(MNS为25mm);抽屉采用了推进机构,操作更方便、灵活。 MNS柜可以双面操作,最多单柜可装36个回路(有1/4抽屉)而GCS...
Introduction: Pancreatic branch-duct intraductal papillary mucinous meoplasms (BD-IPMNs) should undergo operative resection in the presence of high risk stigmata for invasive cancer. In the absence of worrisome features, a radiologic surveillance program can be proposed, but long-term results are not...
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X-ray diffraction measurements on various (ranging in thickness from approximately 30 to approximately 330 mu m) platelet-shaped crystals of alpha -MnS (bounded by (111) planes) and temperature-dependent neutron diffraction measurements on a polycrystalline sample are reported. It is found that a ...
The temperature dependence of the spin-wave-assisted photoluminescence in MnS has been studied at low temperatures down to 5 K. Below 50 K, a new strong emission band centred at 1.64 eV appears in accordance with the vanishing of the emission band (centred below 1.43 eV) observed in previous...
一 . 型号GGD、 GCK、GCS、MNS、MCS介绍 1GGD系列:●用途 GGD型交流低压配电柜适用于变电站、发电厂、厂矿企业等电力用户的交流50Hz,额定工作电压380V,额定工作电流1000-3150A的配电系统,作为动力、照明及发配电设备的电能转换、分配与控制之用。 GGD型交流低压配电柜是根据能源部,广大电力用户及设计部门...