Air France-KLM expects 200 mn euro lossBy AFP
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Finally, it was aimed to complement the subject by making an assessment in the dimension of TurkeyZER, Yunus EmreInternational Journal of Management Economics & Business / Uluslararas Ynetim ktisat ve letme Dergisi
YABANCILARA TRKE RETMNDE SEVYELERE GRE KELMELERN DERNLK VE GENLK BOYUTLARININ NCELENMES: YED KLM RNEdoi:10.29228/ijla.43357TURKISH languageLANGUAGE & languagesCONTENT analysisQUALITATIVE researchEXPERIMENTAL designThe aim of this study is to reveal how dimensions of depth and ...
Moreover, job satisfaction does not have a mediating role in the relationship between safety climate and job performance in this process. The results are discussed comparing the studies in the literature.ZDEMR, LütfiyeERDEM, HalukKALKIN, Gr. GkdenizVisionary E-Journal /...
Furthermore, nurses in Nazilli Public Hospital expressed a higher satisfaction than nurses in Alanya Hospital of Baskent University with reward and support variables.DoanDoc.Dr.HulusiDoc.Dr.International Journal of Economic & Administrative Studies...