MNI152_TI_2mm_Brain.nii.gzT1-w MNI Template, 2mm, skull strippedreadMNI("Brain", res="2mm") MNI152_TI_2mm_Brain_Mask.nii.gzT1-w MNI Template, 2mm, brain maskreadMNI("Brain_Mask", res="2mm") Tissue Segmentation: MNI152_TI_1mm_Brain_FAST_seg.nii.gzFSL FAST tissue classes (1=CS...
To reduce the burden of this time-consuming step, we propose Deep Automated Registration Qc (DARQ), a fully automatic quality control method based on deep learning that can replace the human rater and accurately perform quality control assessment for stereotaxic registration of T1w brain scans. In...
Draw an axial or sagittal slice of the MNI152 T1 image