The following mnemonics are for Dyalog APL's US English keyboard layout, but can easily be adapted to similar layouts. Number row keys ⋄ begins new APL expressions just like ` button begins the main section of the keyboard. ⌺ is a modified version of ⌺, so it is Shift+⋄. ...
Okay, so let's assume you've chosen "thereading" for a bunch of kanji. It's time to learn how to memorize that reading with the radicals mnemonic method. It's quite easy, actually. Just continue the story that you created for the meaning mnemonic. Make the story a natural continuation...
The wordmnemonic(pronounced nee.MON.ik) is used (1) as a noun meaning a device, such as a formula or rhyme, that helps a person remember something or (2) as an adjective meaning aiding memory. Mnemonicis from the Greek wordmnemonikosmeaning aiding memory or having to do with memory or...