主要XPS 区:Mn2p 重叠区:Cu LMM、Au4p1/2 常见化学态的结合能: 化学态结合能 Mn2p3/2/ eV Mn 金属638.7 MnO641.4 Mn2O3641.4 MnO2641.8 实验信息 采集Mn3s 区,以便直接鉴别 Mn 的氧化态。• 锰的一些化合物/合金具有磁性。 可以的话,在测试之前对样品进行消磁...
(e)Mn 2 P @ NPC 复合材料的XRD图,(f )对Mn 2 P @ NPC 复合材料的Mn 2p(g),P 2p(h),C 1s(i)和N 1s(j)XPS光谱进行测量和(g–j)高分辨率扫描。图2.(a,b)Mn 2 P @ NPC 复合材料的TEM和(c)HRTEM图像((c)中的插图显示了相应的FFT图像)和(d–j)STEM图像(d)和...
superleo8936 亦可以去nist xps database查查看。 一般来说高价态结合能也高。 2p能级: Mn2+ ~ 653eV, Mn3+ ~653.5eV, Mn4+~654eV http://srdata.nist.gov/xps/EngEl ... _dat&Elm=Mn, 菱小果 你好,我也有同样的问题,你解决了吗 猜...
Obviously, the ZnO Scientific Reports | 6:32711 | DOI: 10.1038/srep32711 4 www.nature.com/scientificreports/ Figure 4. (a) XPS spectra of undoped and Mn2+-doped ZnO NFs. (b–e) Mn 2p, N 1s, Zn 2p, and O 1s scan, respectively, of the four samples. The black solid lines are...
To further explore the luminescence performances of CaGa4O7:Mn2+, we have carried out theoretical calculations to explore the contributions of intrinsic defects. For the host material CaGa4O7, the projected density of states (PDOSs) have been demonstrated, where the O-2porbitals dominate the val...
随后采用XRD、XPS、EPR表征材料,Mg1-xGeO3·xMn2+(x=0.0%, 11.0%, 1.5%, 2.0%, 2.5%和3.0%)XRD谱图与MgGeO3(PDF 34-0821)吻合良好,表明掺杂Mn2+对晶相影响可忽略不计(Fig. 1a);高分辨率XPS光谱观察到Mn 2p有两个特征峰:641.9 eV和653.8 eV,分别对应于Mn2+的2p 3/2、2p 1/2(Fig. 1b);1.0...
图3 Co3Si2O5(OH)4和Co2.4Mn0.6Si2O5(OH)4的XPS光谱(a)Co 2p、(b)Mn 2p、(c)Si 2p和(d)O 1s。 Co3Si2O5(OH)4的Co 2p光谱(图 3a)由2p1/2和2p3/2特征峰组成。与纯Co3Si2O5(OH)4相比,Co2.4Mn0.6Si2O...
XPSremovalinelastic partsThe intrinsic Mn2p_1/2,3/2, K 2p_1/2.3/2 and O 1s spectra for KmnO_4 were obtained from a sample in situ fractured in an ultra-high vacuum. In order to obtain the primary ex- citation Mn 2p spectrum from the observed Mn 2p spectrum, the K 2p and O 1s...
The XRD, Raman, and S 2p XPS spectra and TG results confirmed the SO2-promoted decomposition of supported Mn2V2O7 to form VOx species and MnSO4 on TiO2. The XPS spectra of V 2p and (HR)TEM images further indicated the fusion of the decomposed VOx with TiO2 with increased dispersity ...